Sweet Victory of a Solid Business Plan
When we set out with a dream, we start with our feelings about that dream and we feel passionate about it, protecting it as though it were an innocent child, entrusting only those we know will not harm it in any way with the details of it. But if it is a big dream, we feel it welling up inside of us, starting with a fire in the belly until it swells in our chest and finally it hits our throat area and we can’t take it any longer we HAVE to speak about it and then we can’t shut up about our vision, our excitement is contagious and people don’t even understand what we are talking about but they feel the ENERGY coming from us and they smile and nod and murmur all the things in agreeance so we get even more excited!
And as we go along with our dream, we carry it with us wherever we go, forgetting to eat, forgetting to sleep, just nurturing the dream, putting the dream first and making sure others see it, hear it, feel it, love it... but then we can start to feel doubt, and fear, and run down, and tired… and our dream starts to become burdensome, and we start to question our dream… so we give in, set the dream down for a little while, and we sleep, we eat, and we rest.
Waking up feeling refreshed and recharged after a little break we remember the vision and the passion and the reason why the dream is going to revolutionize the world we live in and why our dream is so important for the world to be a part of!! So we start the cycle all over again and we go for it and go for it and then we run down again and forget about ourselves again…the dream a weight on our backs that makes us weary, tired, lonely, unsure.
What if the cycle was more sustainable? What if you had a steady business plan in place for your dream, allowing you to plant that baby down in the soil of fertile ground and nurture it where it could grow with water and nutrition and sunlight (vision, strategy, consistent actions, solid footing, support from fellow business owners who relate - not your relatives) rather than carry it on your shoulders all the time?
The ones who win the marathon race of business ownership are those who prepare themselves at the forefront with sustainable planning like the tortoise, and not race along like the hare. Don’t let your dream die because you burn out. Keep it growing steadily, ever stronger, as you allow yourself to flourish through the process of evolution as well with the help of a business coach who understands the importance of balance.
Trust me, the hare race thing in business? I’ve been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, the coffee mug, and the hat. Your dream IS important, it IS going to change the world, but YOU don’t have to feel awful during the process. The euphoria of creation, success, and hitting your mark? That can remain, and can become a setpoint if you allow it to. Doing it alone is nearly impossible, I’ve tried that too, I’m happy to say sustainable joy is attainable, while enjoying the process of allowing the dream to come to fruition. As they say, “the joy is in the journey”….
Contact me by 12/31 for discount on any coaching package 10% off. We can create your business plan in as little as four weeks! Mention: Victory! Veterans always 20% discount. We love you, thank you for serving! https://www.quantumhighways.com/plans.
Many thanks to Matheus Ferrero for the awesome photo of what sweet victory over the challenges in life feel like!