Sweet Summertime
Ah the summer solstice!
I'll be three days late by the time I'm posting this, but hey, the days are still long!
It's something everyone loves too, because pretty much everyone loves summer, right?
In case you're unfamiliar, a solstice is when one of the Earth's poles is at its maximum tilt toward the sun. In summer, in the northern hemisphere (above the equator), that makes for the longest day. In winter, that would be the shortest day - the longest darkness. In the southern hemisphere, this is opposite.
Summer solstice is also a time of a lot of historic celebrations - especially those to do with fertility, and the hope of a strong growing year so there are crops to survive.
Some of these continue - there's a Midsummer celebration around Scandinavia called just that. It celebrates the end of the long dark winter up in the cold northern climes of Europe. Folk costumes, foods and dancing will follow.
Similar activities are held in Britain around Stonehenge this time of year - the sun aligns perfectly with it around June 20/21 of each year.
Otherwise, you might see some baseball games or enjoy some bonfires. Less interesting, but who knew that Alaska had baseball teams? Check, China has a dragon boat festival through June. Throw Toronto's Pride parade in there and you've got an overbooked June!
It's always nice to see new celebrations, and I imagine I'll eventually make it to some of these places - I'm sure of it! I especially like that these aren't specifically religiously, or nationally bound holidays - you'll see me revisit the latter in a week or two.
Nothing against any religion it's just I find a lot of the major holidays I've covered, or that people celebrate, have these roots, and it's interesting to see how some things grow from other places.
Do you have a favourite way to celebrate the solstice? What's your preferred summer holiday? Be sure to share down below!