Sweet Memories, making life count
Robin Bertram
Author Charisma House Publishing, Abingdon Press & Contributor Livingbetter50
Childhood Memories
When I was a little girl, I remember going to Monterey, Virginia, for the Maple Syrup Festival each year. The festival was considered to be "Virginia's Sweet Spot." It was like taking a step back in time. Buckets dotted the mountainside; they were strategically placed under taps that were drilled into the maple trees where they were still “opened” by hand. A vacuum pump was used to increase the flow of sugar water, and miles of plastic tubing made it easier to gather. This process is started by reverse osmosis and finished by oil-fired evaporators. The sugar water is collected and then cooked in a wood-fired open pan and finished in an iron kettle.
Maple Syrup Festival
We went every year, and the day was always filled with fond memories. It was such a big deal to me. We would get up early in the morning and make the drive in the spring of the year. I loved to look at the beautiful flowers that were just starting to bloom. I loved the buckwheat pancakes that were being offered up. They even had a Maple Syrup Queen. Yes, you heard me; a beauty pageant was held in honor of the festival and a winner was crowned. I loved the smell of maple syrup in the air and the candy (lots of candy). Maple doughnuts, maple pit-cooked BBQ, pork skins, and those delicious pancakes were the highlight of the festival in my mind. Sweet memories. When was the last time you shared memorable moments like this with those you love?
Why Wait?
As adults, we often forget the fun things. We forget the events that brought us joy as a child, and we become so busy in life we forget to enjoy it and to help our families enjoy it. Often it takes a major life crisis to get us to the point of understanding that life is short and we have to embrace every moment with joy.
Why wait? Why not embrace all that life has to offer and live your life in such a way that you too can say, "I have no regrets." Why not decide that you won't need a crisis to enjoy life to its fullest, but instead decide today that you are going to love living? Love it, no matter the circumstances.
I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man (Eccl 3:12-13 ESV).
Most of us know what we need to change, what we want to change, and what we can change so that we can live the life God wants us to live. Perhaps for you, it's not about changing anything. I know that when my death sentence was handed down, I realized I wanted to get more out of life and to put more into life. I began to press into God more. I began to love more. I began to laugh more. I began to notice the small things in life. I began to celebrate more. I began to treasure my days more, and instead of just getting through my daily schedule with all the time constraints and deadlines, I began to embrace life.
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