As someone who loves life, all areas of life, to include those which many believe to be of little importance, shared with me by a dear friend many years ago, I am reminded of the Sweeping Story every day.
It doesn't matter the age or gender, during my daily activities, I am 'aware of' and 'note' a number of souls 'in passing' who show a disdain and total disregard for areas of our lives that they deem unimportant and wholly beneath them.
Ask someone to clean a toilet and they look at you as if you were mad, even if you are the one who tends to it daily, weekly, monthly on behalf of others, not because its your job so to do, but because you have a sense of regard for cleanliness, especially so in areas used for your toiletry needs and ablution and/or the kitchen where food is prepared.
If you share a space, it is important to leave it in a condition that you would like to find it - or that is what I was bought up to believe, and with a strong sense for personal hygiene it stuck.
I can recall my dear late mother sweeping the pavement and steps at the front of her retail shop, just as she swept the path and doorstep to our home - all representative of our home – thus, representative of us and the welcome you would receive on entering.
Cleanliness is said to be as close to godliness, it shows a sense of dignity and has a sacredness to it that speaks of a care and concern for life - yours and that of others.
Washing someone’s feet is another act that has been spoken of as a sign of offering respect to all souls.
I have always loved doing things for others, helping them in ways that I am able, cooking for individuals and group’s alike being a favourite act of sacredness in action.
Just the other day a young lady said to me that her time was worth more than growing her own food, intimating this to be a lowly activity. She was far beyond such an activity - hadn't the time.
Cleaning, having become touted as the lowest of low roles, the entire workforce at a place that I frequent, believe it to be someone else's role other than theirs to clean the staff toilet, even though everyone in the building uses it.
When did we become so high and mighty that we cannot clean and cook and care for the most essential aspects of our lives?
When did we decide these roles to be so lowly?
Personally, I am happy to sweep, clean, tend, value, respect, nurture and bath every area of my life with loving care, and I hope after reading this, if you do not do so yourself, that you will give this some consideration - that you do it for yourself, as well as others, and respect those who do it for you.
Gold dawn disc edges purple cliffs
Old woman bends to sweep temple steps.
She bathes each stone with loving care.
How many worshippers, besides the Sage,
will notice her work.
Lau Fzu:Taoist teachings
"I went at dawn to a magnificent temple. Its architecture was such a supreme expression of the human spirit that it was a treasure.
Generations of worshippers had left offerings at the shrines, hundreds of monks had reached their enlightenment on the consecrated grounds, and thousands had been blessed in life and death in the venerable halls.
Yes, my most moving observation was an old woman sweeping the steps. Her concentration was perfect. Her devotion was palpable.
Her thoroughness was complete. Her uncelebrated act showed a true Holy Spirit.
Later in the day, wealthy people came to worship. Children with brightly coloured toys ran over the grey stones. The Abbot walked to his ceremonies. Monks passed in silent prayer. Of all who passed, how many were aware of the selfless service that had made their own devotion possible?
When the way is all we have to walk, those who prepared the way should be truly honoured."
It is clear in our demanding modern society, one within which people have come to expect much whilst doing/giving less, that this is a teaching that many need to be reminded of in order that it be a way of being that they may embrace!
The sweepers are those in whose wake we walk - they are the salt of the earth, the ones who are more than our equals!
Article – ? Susanne Austin, 25th July 2024 - (written 25th July 2022) - (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).
Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.