Swedish Police Publish Tender For Drone Flight School Services
Peter van Blyenburgh
Founder - PRO-UAS (UAS-related strategic consultancy & publishing)
On 8 November 2017, the Swedish Police (Polismyndigheten) published a tender (reference number A281.229/2017) for the provision of flying school services [theoretical training of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) pilots]. The tender title in Swedish is : ? Upphandling av ramavtal avseende teoretisk flygutbildning ?. The estimated project budget is € 73 000
For more information, please see : https://ted.europa.eu/TED/notice/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:444877-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML&rearus=w9XwpKTTU1KCYNkHIIJ9E9lBNlE8yicqjqi9Z24uJyo
The procuring entity is : Polismyndigheten - 202100-0076 - Box 12256 - SE-102 26 Stockholm - Sweden - Contact person: Jenni Elfven: [email protected]
Main internet address: www.polisen.se/Aktuellt/aktuella-upphandlingar/
Address of the buyer profile: www.polisen.se/Aktuellt/aktuella-upphandlingar/