Swedish-founded fintech Collectius successfully takes on Southeast Asia’s debt management market
Joakim Persson
Content producer/editor/ journalist (incl. travel); media/SoMe/outreach specialist + business services incl. green solutions, hospitality marketing; business storyteller; online marketing; music curator/DJ/organiser
Newsletter 12
The Baltics/Nordics-Asia Business Bulletin this time highlights the innovative, pioneering and Singapore-based debt collector business Collectius.
Going from strength to strength this Swedish-founded fintech company’s continuing expansion and success so far is truly impressive. With USD 123 million in capital raised Collectius now manages over 3 million NPLs (Non Performing Loans), and has purchased over USD 2.5 billion in debts spanning 50+ portfolios, 200+ commercial and consumer clients, and 100+ global partners. Rapidly growing, they are also moving towards debt purchasing in India, Vietnam and Singapore in 2021 and beyond.
Collectius has a strong workforce of over 300 employees across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and India. The firm also continues to strengthen its position as the preferred debt purchaser of NPLs in the ASEAN region, now a trusted restructuring partner to banks and financial institutions. The firm supports them with liquidity, allowing a focus on core activities. But – founded with a people-first mentality – in recovering the portfolios of non-performing consumer loans Collectius is also strongly focused on supporting its customers to become debt-free.
Founder and CEO Gustav A. Eriksson has said that they are specializing in connecting with the customer and finding the best solution for their specific needs. “We provide each and every one with options tailored to them, because everybody’s situation is different, and that is what makes us successful.”
Collectius is majority-owned by Gustav and his co-founder and CCO Ivar Bj?rklund, with the remaining owned by International Finance Corporation (IFC), Swedish family owned conglomerate Stena AB and Formica Capital. Stena most recently made a multimillion dollar equity injection and increased its commitment into the market-leader within distressed consumer credit through a credit line in June 2018.
Collectius is living proof of that there are business opportunities waiting out there in Southeast Asia, including niche markets for fintech solutions. And yet, one may think that it would seem venturous, to say the least, for some westerners to embark on buying up NPLs in diverse Southeast Asia! And success did not come without first laying the groundwork, by thoroughly studying the markets and building the right foundation in preparation for entrance.
Customer-centric approach
Gustav A. Eriksson and Ivar Bj?rklund, as Collectius, here respond jointly (unless indicated): “We (Gustav and Ivar) invested years into getting to know the local markets, analyzing different areas where we could make a positive change. In 2016, we took the step of acquiring a number of collection companies and setting up Collectius as a customer-centric debt management company. After a tireless year of improving and automating our operations, and carefully optimizing the collection process, we bought our first portfolio of 80,000 NPLs in Malaysia in 2017. It was one of the most rewarding milestones in our careers and we haven’t looked back since. This was also our tipping point - relationships from the years of meeting with banks and financial institutions across Asia started to mature.”
The NPL debt management market they saw consisted of many agencies having an inefficient ‘pen-and-paper’ approach and being very traditional – in an industry that has had a negative image.
“In Asia, debt servicing was a fragmented market dominated by scary collectors, causing debt selling to be a last resort for many lenders.”
But Collectius sensed that, in an increasingly digital world and with a growing trend of NPLs in Asia, this was an unsustainable method.
“We felt there was a real opportunity to do things differently by challenging that stigma through ethical practices, maintaining transparency and focusing on the customer experience.”
And from their beginnings in 2014 they have always cared for our customers - whom they refer to as customers, not debtors.
“Many thought that there was no other approach to debt collection, but we believed that people want to repay their debts. Enabled by our technology, investors, people, culture and structure, we have a strategic edge in fintech debt collection. We are pioneers in combining the latest technology – such as machine learning, digital-first communication, omnichannel payment gateways, self-service portals and data analytics – with an empathetic style to promote a more efficient and professional mediation. This improves the overall customer experience and supports people to successfully turn debt free,” say the majority-owners.
“We place a huge emphasis on the overall customer experience from start to end. It is imperative to us that their customer journey is as seamless as possible – be it through flexible payment plans or payment channels.”
The ‘Collectius way of collections’ is their customer-first outlook towards debt collection meaning that their mediator model focuses on finding the best possible solution for their customers.
“This starts with creating an open dialogue with our customers and understanding their financial situation. By building a relationship based on trust and compassion, our mediators work closely with our customers to negotiate a customized, affordable plan that ensures their repayments are both manageable and practical.”
Collectius work together with its clients to find solutions with integrity and compassion, tailoring repayment plans based on their feedback as well as their own data and insights.
“We don’t believe debt is bad. On the contrary, it can be advantageous when used the right way. But it’s very easy to see why people end up with bad debt. Consumerism and easy credit matched with a lack of financial know-how is simply not a fair system. Add tough debt collection practices, and we have a recipe for social disaster. It’s understandable why people fall behind. The game is rigged. Our mission is to support our customers to new financial beginnings, because we believe everyone deserves a second chance to grow with the economy. We are willing to sacrifice on short term returns in order to support our customers with individual payment plans, rather pushing people for unsustainable full settlements. That’s why we’re innovating, building systems, tools and products to see this mission achieved", Gustav previously commented in a news release.
The path to a debt-free life through Collectius also entails financial literacy as service. “Our aim is to ensure that all customers who interact with us gain an understanding of key financial principles including the accumulation of interest and the different fees and structures that banks and creditors have.”
"Through working with Collectius, I’ve learnt that there’s no need to be afraid of debt and am now much more confident about managing my own finances. There will always be a way to work through the situation and resolve your debt if you work with a partner like Collectius." – Mohamat, Collectius customer (Malaysia)
"Collectius have made the entire debt resolution process extremely pleasant and easy. Their customer service team was available at every step to assist me in customizing my payment plan ... The experience with Collectius has helped me understand how important it is to safeguard your name and credibility for future financial investments which is a learning I share with all my loved ones." – Mina P., Collectius customer (Philippines)
“Due to our customer-centric approach, our collection practices have been proven to be highly successful, prompting customer compliments instead of complaints. As a result, banks also end up maintaining a good relationship with customers and mitigating reputational risk. It’s a win-win for both our partners and our customers!”
The Swedes and Collectius are therefore today proud to be a trusted restructuring partner to banks and financial institutions in Asia.
“We aim to be at the heart of a healthy financial ecosystem, mediating a sustainable solution for both the lenders who need to sell their pent-up NPLs and borrowers who need to pay off their debts. By selling their NPLs to us at an agreed rate – lower than the future net collections, banks and financial institutions (i.e. the lenders) are able to remove ‘bad debt’ from their balance sheets, instantly recover capital and focus resources on their core activities.”
As for the various NPL markets in Southeast Asia, Gustav and Ivar describe them as highly complex and dynamic. “With many economies growing at a rapid scale, each local market presents a different degree of maturity, particularly concerning government regulated systems and processes. Many Asian markets like Thailand are more established in their regulation whilst others are still catching up.”
International Finance Corporation partnership
In September 2020 it was announced that IFC (International Finance Corporation), a member of the World Bank Group, had invested in Collectius by becoming a minority equity shareholder and that they would jointly launch a US$60 million regional investment platform solely dedicated to acquiring and resolving unsecured debt in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and soon Vietnam.
Gustav A. Eriksson described this as a momentous milestone in their journey as a company.
A news release stated: “This investment is part of IFC’s strategy to build dynamic secondary debt resolution markets, allowing financial institutions to deal effectively with their NPLs and focus on lending. The platform is IFC’s first of its kind in Asia and aims to sustain the financial stability of the economy by supporting banks and finance companies to strengthen their balance sheets by selling their NPLs, assisting customers (i.e. debtors) with their credit requirements and rehabilitating their financial position.”
“Debt collection in certain parts of Southeast Asia needs to change to become more effective and sustainable. Together with IFC, we are working with banks and financial institutes to destigmatize debt as well as drive higher standards in ethics and regulation.” elaborates Gustav and Ivar.
As a consequence of the ongoing pandemic they are also seeing “a unanimous surge in NPLs all across Asia. Containment measures have resulted in economic contraction for 2020 in majority of Asian countries. This is why our partnership with IFC is so significant. We look forward to working closely with them to improve the ongoing debt problem and encourage best practices in the debt management industry.”
Debt sales in Asia is expected to increase significantly because it makes huge economic sense to sell the write-off portfolios. Also with time, tighter regulations and accounting measures will drive NPL portfolio sales.
For Collectius there is ample room to grow when comparing Asia to established markets like Europe and US. “We’re already seeing several agencies adopt a similar collections approach. However, with our drive to continually improve our operations through investing in the latest technologies and upholding our customer-first philosophy, we are confident Collectius will maintain its market dominance and continue to spearhead positive developments in the debt management industry.”
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Executive Director & CEO
4 年If you doing good with Collectius then why are you open to work.Cant understand