Sweden EHS Regulatory Content Expansion
Sweden EHS Regulatory Content

Sweden EHS Regulatory Content Expansion

Nimonik is pleased to announce an expansion of its regulatory, standards and news compliance coverage. Nimonik customers can now consult more documents, add it to their compliance obligations register, track them for changes and convert the regulations into audits.

New Content

Jurisdiction Name: Sweden

Topics: EHS topics

Document Types: Legislation

Industry Sectors: Office Spaces

Some of the most important EHS documents we added include:

  1. Act (2003:778) on protection against accidents
  2. Work Environment Act (1977:1160) - EN
  3. Act (2010:1011) on flammable and explosive goods?
  4. Act (2006:263) on the transport of dangerous goods?
  5. Work Environment Ordinance (1977:1166)?
  6. The design of the workplace
  7. Organizational and social work environment?
  8. Use of lifting devices and lifting equipment

Nimonik’s library contains over 550,000 compliance documents and increases every week as the team updates the library for over 40 countries and 600 jurisdictions worldwide. To learn more about our compliance and regulatory monitoring services, please contact us today at [email protected]


