Sweatworking:The benefits of taking networking from the bar to the gym
Jenn DeWall, MBA
Speaker | Burnout | Resilience | Confidence | Imposter Syndrome | Emotional Intelligence | Growth Mindset | Mental Health | Helping high-achievers build happier & healthier lives by owning their choices!
When was the last time you broke a sweat? If you’re living in Denver the chances are high that it was within the last few days. Why not kill two birds with one stone and add networking to it? Sweatworking is the new emerging trend on how to engage and meet with clients. Sweatworking activities vary from walking, to barre or spin classes and more. It’s perfect for those that want to get out of the bar scene and create a shared experience with someone in a more meaningful and healthier way.
4 Benefits of Sweatworking
- It creates a deeper relationship. Sweatworking creates an immediate shared experience where individuals can connect with each other over at a deeper level. No one likes to be “sold” to when they’re meeting, they want to establish a more authentic relationship. Through sweatworking you’re better able to see each other as individuals versus the product or service they offer. This can more quickly increase likeability and trust which ultimately can improve your bottom line performance.
- Work-life balance. With so many things to juggle, sweatworking creates a perfect opportunity to prioritize both your health and business simultaneously. You can maintain your healthy goals and even create more time to do other things you love because you don’t have to squeeze a workout in at the end of the day.
- You will save money. Instead of spending a few hundred dollars to entertain a client or potential partnership, you can invest in a per class fee which can range from $15-$25 a person. Any additional money can be spent on smoothies or a healthy meal. No one wants to waste their workout by drinking a bottle of wine and having a high fat meal afterwards (Okay maybe sometimes we do but it won’t be a lot).
- It’s perfect for introverts. Networking can be overbearing, especially if you’re an introvert. By doing a shared experience it immediately offers a topic of conversation between the individuals. It’s a perfect way to initiate small talk versus the sometimes uncomfortable approach to an individual you don’t know. Plus, the endorphins gained from the workout will help boost your energy and confidence better helping you connect with others.
Have you done sweatworking? If so, what were the benefits that you found and what did you do?
To schedule a complimentary coaching session to explore how coaching can benefit you please e-mail Jenn at [email protected] or call her at (608) 206-3464