Sweat The Small Stuff
Jump right in and do the little things. If your goal is to make significant progress toward a dream or vision, do the little things and do them well. Don’t stop.
Not all progress is observable. Actually, for the most part, the bulk of any progress you make is so small and incremental that you would be hard pressed to articulate it if you had to. The small stuff isn’t what we talk about, but it is what we do if we want to get it right.
Progress in and of itself is a collection of minuscule tasks, often thought of as inconsequential acts. Trivial actions that cumulatively lead to where you want to go.
The intention and the vision are the “big picture,” but the reality is the big picture is only observable in retrospect. The small acts are the feet on the ground legwork required to move the pin from where it is today, to something closer to the finish line.
The finish line will never be attained in one swoop. It requires concentration and a deliberate willingness to do the small essential tasks repeatedly, without losing or compromising enthusiasm or intention.
The broad brush strokes are all that we remember, yet it’s the small steps that are essential to those broad strokes having any impact or influence on the big picture.
Be prepared to do the little things without reservation. Continually moving forward with incremental steps can lead to huge leaps and results.
The small things are often the big difference between getting what you want and falling short. Too often we get bored or lose sight of the influence small mundane steps have on the direction we a pursuing. Losing sight and letting go or refusing to acknowledge or being unwilling to do the small stuff is a sure fire way to miss your mark.
The small things are the unsung heroes of big accomplishments ~ Think World Class