"Swami Vivekananda and the Youth Day"?

"Swami Vivekananda and the Youth Day"

In the world today, youth power is a known force. Young people are our nation's future citizens, who speak to India's incredibly special, fiery and deeply optimistic community. It is said that when young people come together, they can change the direction of the wind, they can change the governance as well as the mechanism, regardless of whether it is a political or social structure. Young people are full of immense enthusiasm and overwhelming desires. They can be used by any nation as a constructive and as a destructive power. It is best to speculate on the country's limit by breaking down the number of youth population in a nation; it indicates how young a nation is. The government should recognise the potential of the youth in vital and beneficial works from which the motivation building of the country can be achieved. For any country, youth energy is one of the most important factors, and if it is channelized in the right direction, it could do wonders for the nation at that point.

A fruitful life, is nothing if it is not meaningful. Young people's greatest quest is for a meaningful life that inspires the heart, liberates the mind and ignites the soul. Vivekanand Swami understood this. This fourfold mantra for leading a meaningful life - physical, social, intellectual and spiritual quest - can be understood by his ideas. Relevance of his teaching is very high among the youth, Swami Vivekananda advised people to close their eyes to control their anger. In today's world, changes happen very quickly. So, there is a chance of losing concentration. Most individuals are selfishly busy acquiring material comforts in current times. This race for wealth accumulation has resulted in economic inequality. Immorality is now part of nature. His life is an example for all, when food was given by a lower caste person, he found it better than even nectar as the best food, even now we can see the discrimination based on caste in many parts of India. He emphasised that it is not worth it to succeed at the expense of poverty. He stressed the need for the poorer parts of society to have empathy and compassion. He emphasised that it is not worth it to prosper at the expense of poverty. He emphasised the need for the vulnerable parts of the group to have empathy and compassion. And one group of young people began teasing when Swami was walking in Chicago during the evening, claiming that this man doesn't know how to wear clothing. Swamiji answered that the person's identity is not clothing, but his personality; this is a great lesson for today’s youth, we spent lots for money on the luxury goods and cosmetic items and on clothes believing that it can showcase a person but personality is the mirror of a person, through that you can reflect you.

Swami Vivekanand is India's biggest youth symbol and one who has inspired millions of young people all over the world. Every year, on January 12, the world celebrates Swami Vivekananda's National Day of Youth. In 1863, it was on this day that the youth symbol was born. The day is also known as Yuva Diwas and is celebrated with functions, speeches and so on at schools and colleges. In September 1893, Swami Vivekananda's speeches at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago made him famous as a "Messenger of Indian Wisdom to the Western World." His philosophy has attracted young people around the world. Swami Vivekananda spent over three years spreading Vedanta, as Sri Ramakrishna, his tutor, lived and taught. Born as Narendra Nath Datta, Swami Vivekananda excelled in music, gymnastics and studies in an affluent family in Kolkata in 1863. At the World Parliament of Religions, he talked not only at length about religious tolerance, but also about fostering people's liberal feelings. National Youth Day has been celebrated every year since 1985 on Swamiji's birth anniversary on 12 January. "It was felt that the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth," the Government of India said in a statement.

The point of view of Swamiji on the components of education is that education makes a child a complete man. A child is born with diversified possibilities and it is important to take care of every opportunity so that it can manifest itself in its full boom. While the potential has its own ability to achieve its completion, the same could be lost in the process without care and direction. Education was defined by Swami Vivekananda and guided by one line statement as "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man. He also emphasised that women are not only half the nation's population, but they are an integral complementary component of it. It is difficult to imagine the life of the human race without women. Therefore, the quality of society depends directly on the quality of women there. So, there shouldn't be two opinions on the need for education for women.

Tolerance and peace for all were preached by Swami Vivekananda. People of all faiths and sects were included in his concept of peace and tolerance. According to him, they need to accept the diverse views and work for the welfare of all if humans are to survive and prosper. Nowadays youth is mis utilizing their energy and are not ready to accept things. So here is the importance of his study. Today young generation are not open to no, they are not able face the bitter taste of life which is like two sides of coin. Swami Vivekananda stresses that being strong in life is essential. Weakness comes with a variety of issues in one's life. In order to achieve personal goals or professional goals, a person needs to be courageous and firm.

Swami Vivekanand tried to make individuals fearless. It is necessary to understand Swami Vivekananda and his message to eradicate our fears in order to combat any injustice. It is necessary to battle these injustices with courage in order to defeat casteism, economic inequality and other social injustices, such as discrimination against women. The teaching of universal brotherhood by Swamiji today is most important. The world needs to understand that there is no other philosophy more suitable than this to bring peace. In the increasing era of protectionism and de-globalisation, Vasudev Kutumbakam's belief in the world as a family has become necessary. The principles of devotion, persistence and perseverance in one's life were the priority of Swami Vivekananda. This will increase people's brotherhood and fraternity, decrease disputes between them, and link society as a whole.

Today, Swami Vivekanand is important to the principles and aspirations he has devised for the youth. The scientific approach to achieve these goals through physical, social, intellectual and spiritual quests was also advocated by him. Youth have the ability to choose and pursue harmony, prosperity and happiness from any of the four directions shown by him. Regardless of gender, birth, caste or other markers, the right to choose is what enhances the attractiveness of this diverse direction today. Understanding Swami Vivekananda and his message and putting it into our youth can be the best way to solve many of India's problems today. By preparing himself for the greater cause, each person may begin with himself. She has to make sure her physical, emotional, social and psychological skills are well suited to the job ahead of her. Vivekanand was an excellent investigator of the human mind and the whole of human culture. He acknowledged that taking on any social reform takes tremendous energy and force of will. He called on the youth, therefore, not only to build up their mental energies, but also their physical ones. As Vivekanand said, it is high time for the youth to come forward again by shedding their fears, and take up the cudgels to form Bharat by turning the deterioration into vibrant, bringing health to the sick, making the poor strong, bringing stability where it is lost where there is volatility and sowing significance. The task now lies with the youth to follow the direction shown by Swami Vivekanand and realise once again his dream of making Bharat the Vishwa Guru.

Very well written, the one message of him I follow - "arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached", which in other words are also called as ???????, ????????



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