SVG-oriented Services - part #3
I've given you illustrations of a pie chart, an analog watch, a column chart, a radar chart, a burndown chart, I've shown you that there are documented (and FREELY accessible) services, I've shown you how to create an n-branched star, and how to create an n-pointed flower, how to create a sign with text centered and rotated, potentially at a certain angle, how to create a regular polygon, with or without canvas, I've shown you how to combine 2 services (polygon and arrow) to create an SVG that combines the two services. Not bad at all.
Now let's add a service to create a circle (illustrated in this article) and how to create a rectangle.
This won't take long!
Try it for yourself:
And what's the code of
use \trql\vaesoli\Vaesoli as v;
if ( ! defined( 'VAESOLI_CLASS_VERSION' ) )
require_once( '/home/vaesoli/snippet-center/trql.vaesoli.class.php' );
$url = "!/?svg-circle";
$params[] = 'svg-width';
$params[] = 'svg-height';
$params[] = 'x';
$params[] = 'y';
$params[] = 'radius';
$params[] = 'fill';
$params[] = 'stroke';
$params[] = 'stroke-width';
foreach( $params as $param )
if ( isset( $_GET[ $param ] ) )
$url .= "&{$param}=" . urlencode( $_GET[ $param ] );
} /* foreach( $params as $param ) */
$url .= "&id=mySVG";
$svgFile = str_replace( array( 'test.','.service' ),'',basename( FILE,'.php' ) . '.svg' );
$json = v::HTTP_GetURL( $url );
if ( $result = json_decode( $json ) )
echo $result->payload->svg;
echo "<div class=\"call\" style=\"width:512px;\">\n";
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\"><a href=\"{$url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$url}</a></p>\n";
echo "</div> <!-- .call -->\n";
echo "<div style=\"width:512px;\">\n";
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\"><a href=\"data:image/svg+xml,\" download=\"{$svgFile}\" onclick=\"return copy( this,'mySVG' );\">Download</a></p>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div>\n";
echo "<h3>Parameters</h3>\n";
foreach( $params as $param )
echo "<p>?{$param}=<...></p>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "<p>Invalid result</p>";
function copy( a,id )
console.log( a );
let svg;
svg = document.getElementById(id).outerHTML;
svg = svg.replace( /"/g,"'" );
svg = svg.replace( /#/g,"%23" );
a.setAttribute( "href","data:image/svg+xml," + svg );
console.log( a.getAttribute( "href" ) );
return ( true );
Tomorrow, we will add to our list of services (1) the ability to create SVG text (2) the ability to create a check-mark and (3) the ability to create a smiley face. And we will have reached 10 SVG services.
No fuss, friends !