SVG Comparison, new in XML Compare 13
The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) XML format has been widely used for many years, proving its suitability in documentation by making its way into other popular XML grammars such as DITA and DocBook. DeltaXML products have had functionality to highlight if an embedded or referenced binary image has changed, and SVG comparison was treated as regular XML with differences marked up using our delta format.
XML Compare 13 takes a huge leap forward in processing SVG and visually highlights the changes to the embedded image within the graphic itself. The styling used to highlight what has changed in the original and updated versions of the image can be customised and ensure you get the best representation of change.
XML Compare 13 can effectively compare a wide variety of complex SVG content and is very effective with flow charts, diagrams, chemical compounds, and technical drawings. Change is individual displayed in the result to highlight deletion, addition and movement of objects.
Here are some examples:
Displaying significant change
More complex images can result in a considerable amount of change needing to be displayed between versions. In such circumstances the rendering of change can make the result difficult to assess in a useful manner. To accommodate these complex results XML Compare 13 has a fallback mechanism which will output both versions of the image with no inner highlighting so that you can see the two original images within the context of the result.
Configuration options in SVG Compare
As shown above there is a wide variety of possible images types and content to compare, so XML Compare 13 has several configuration options to ensure you get the best possible output.
Change Granularity
Customers can choose whether changes should be marked within the images (‘detailed adjacent’) or not (‘adjacent’).
If the amount of change represented in an image is to great, which can be configurable as a percentage, the granularity setting will automatically fall back to the ‘adjacent’ setting.
Markup style
We provide for custom markup style to represent inline change highlighting in the images.
Evaluate XML Compare 13
DeltaXML software is available to download, visit the XML Compare 13 product page and complete the evaluation form to get you trial copy.