James A. Donaldson
Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group. (CWWR) Canadian Wood Recycling Industry. (CWR)
The Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group is pleased to welcome one of our newest national member(s).
Upon your level of interest please read their dynamic environmental business profile.
German Waste Wood Association
We are the largest German trade association in the waste wood industry. With currently 94 members, all companies along the material flow of waste wood are represented in our association.
The BAV – Bundesverband der Altholz-aufbereiter und -verwerter e.V. is the leading trade association of the Waste Wood industry in Germany. The association was founded in 1992 and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2017.
Our aim is to make waste wood usable as secondary raw material or secondary fuel. With currently 94 member companies, which deal professionally with the recovery and recycling of waste wood, about 80 % of the waste wood players have organised themselves in our association. Our membership structure comprises large diversified companies with a waste wood division and medium-sized suppliers.
The association is characterised by active participation of its members in specialist committees and close personal contact with its members. We offer our members representation of their interests in political decision-making processes. To this end, we take positions vis-à-vis the authorities for the waste wood industry and are involved in legislative processes at federal and state level. Our members therefore have the opportunity to play an active role in shaping these central regulations of the industry and to voice their wishes and concerns.
At the same time, we represent the interests of our members in the scientific and social discourse. Together with research institutions, we develop sorting and processing guidelines and strive to create uniform quality standards.
Waste wood
Waste wood is a multifaceted resource. It is waste and biomass at the same time. Certain types of wood are recyclable and are used in the wood-based panel industry, others are used in biomass power plants and are a renewable energy source, a pillar of the energy revolution. The prerequisite for high-quality recycling is high-quality processing.
The Waste Wood Ordinance distinguishes between four waste wood categories:
Category A I
Waste wood left in its natural state or merely mechanically processed, which, when used, is not more than insignificantly contaminated with foreign matter.
Category A II
Glued, painted, varnished or otherwise treated waste wood without halogen-organic compounds in the coating (e.g. PVC) and without wood preservatives.
Category A III
Waste wood with organ halogen compounds in the coating and without wood preservatives
Category A VI
Waste wood treated with wood preservatives, such as railway sleepers, pylons, hop poles, and other waste wood which cannot be assigned to waste wood categories AI, AII or AIII due to its pollutant load, with the exception of PCB waste wood.
Special case: PCB waste wood
Waste PCB wood is subject to the PCB/PCT Regulation. PCB stands for polychlorinated biphenyls. These are organic chlorine compounds used in construction. The construction chemical was banned worldwide by the Stockholm Convention in 2001.
Until it was banned, PCBs were used in many different ways, some in very high concentrations. It was used as a plasticizer (paints and plastics), in joint sealing compounds (expansion joints in concrete construction, connection joints for doors and windows), as an insulating agent (insulating and soundproofing panels), but also as a flame retardant (paints and varnishes) or as an adhesive (floors).
PCBs can therefore also be found in different concentrations in wood waste.
There is an upper limit of 5 mg/kg DM for the recycling of waste wood.
From a concentration of 50 mg/kg PCB in waste wood, the wood waste must be disposed of in special incineration plants. The Waste Wood Ordinance no longer applies here, but the PCB/PCT Waste Ordinance.
The BAV e.V. is a cooperation partner of the BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Rohstoffwirtschaft e.V. (Federal Association of the German Waste Disposal, Water and Raw Materials Industry). Furthermore, we are affiliated with the WRA Wood Recyclers Association, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung, ASA e.V. and the Gütegemeinschaft Sekund?rbrennstoffe und Recyclingholz e.V. (Quality Association for Secondary Fuels and Recycled Wood) through mutual memberships. (BGS) and the Gütegemeinschaft Sekund?rbrennstoffe und Recyclingholz e. V.. We are also a member of the European Association of Societies for the Certification of Specialised Waste Management Companies (EVGE) e.V.
LINKED — The BAV e.V. guide to the recycling of waste WOOD has established itself as a guide “from practice for practice”. In a compact form, it conveys the main features of waste wood treatment and recycling.
The guideline contains an illustrated table section in which waste wood assortments and their composition are presented. Typical impurities and foreign substances are also presented and recycling paths proposed.
The guideline has been available in English since 2015. The guidelines can be ordered in German and English from the BAV e.V. office.
Contact us today for more information.
BAV - Bundesverband der Altholzaufbereiter und -verwerter German Waste Wood Association
Sch?nhauser Allee 147 a, 10435 Berlin, Germany
Contact: Simon Obert, Managing Director
Tel: 030 – 32 30 66 – 80
REUSE Sectors — Barn Wood | Portable Sawmilling | Grind/Shred/Hammer Mill Wood waste materials into sustainable reusable material(s)
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Jim Donaldson, Founder/CEO
Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group.
C - (780) 239-5445