Sustainable (Under)development
Nature is good, and almost in its perfect formation.
?To remain natural is to continue existing in the same organs and identity that nature has fostered on its creatures, but such is usually crude when perceived from a development point of view.? Development, on the other hand, is only possible through changes to nature. Nevertheless, the entire world is now worried and seeking to get back to the original state of things (environment, climate, forest etc) to achieve sustainability, while still pursuing development. This is a typical example of a paradox, but this article is not about the physical environment.
?It is difficult however to accept that, perhaps due to inconsistent approaches and thinking, the ideas of making organic choices, living naturally and sustainably do not always apply to many or every important aspects of human life.
?In his book the Life Plan, Robert Ashton (2007) details ten (10) ways to define personal success and the list includes money, love, health, comfort, learning, fun, giving, medals, change and things (p.5).
?It is interesting how an average person that is already successful in some or even almost all parts of the list above, continues to feel unfulfilled. There is no need to wonder any longer because it is just natural to be exactly that way. An average individual longs for more of whatever he already has while also eyeing what he does not have. It is natural.
?Is there any problem with living naturally?
The answer should be no but for some parts of human nature, over which man is expected to exercise deliberate control and naturally so.
Although the human society has grown significantly to the point of controlling almost everything and pushing boundaries, there are still other aspects of life that are rigid in nature. Nevertheless, many people have the desire to change a lot of things about such rigid aspects of nature. Some of those rigid areas of life that people are now constantly changing include race, gender, and sexuality, which were once considered as choices imposed by nature but now, they could be easily altered (altered, not changed).
?It is all a matter of preferences, which is another aspect of life but one that is very flexible, easily changed and not imposed by nature. Preferences and choices are the reasons for change and developmental efforts. Choices of change and developmental efforts are often due to previous environments (human, not physical), knowledge, and perspectives.
?As a result of positive mental and emotional abilities, it sounds like a good idea to live more by intentions rather than by nature. How exactly does that play out?
?It is possible to be strategic about life, by simply taking note of probable choices about decisions that are likely to come up later. Those choices when listed, could be reviewed, and analysed from time to time. The objective is to determine the reliability and relevance of each of the choices closer to the time decisions are to be made.
?Nevertheless, it seems normal or trendy for an average individual nowadays to make concerted efforts to change their once rigid nature like race, gender, and stature. These are parts of life that nature has placed on man, but rather than be natural about those things, there are many who are intentional about changing them despite the rigidity of those natural traits.
?For many other people, it is very difficult for them to make choices about many of those simple, and flexible aspects of life such as habits, diets, and pleasures. This means many people prefer to remain natural about the flexible aspects of their lives over which they need to have been intentional, made choices and implement changes that show they are truly developing. People set great targets and put in place enviable ambitions, but they never made the required choices to change those important things that determine their outcomes.
?In all the aspects of life, there are those which are best left to continue naturally, and they are usually easy to sustain. There are also those other aspects of life that are require constant choices and changes; they are best lived intentionally through planning, knowledge, and actions for there to be true development and sustenance.
?Knowing which aspects of life and when to act on them intentionally, and differentiating them from those that require natural existence, both steps require making coordinated efforts and choices. This is the best way for a man to develop personally.