"SUSTAINABLE RECRUITMENT & NETWORKING": A ‘fairly new’ concept in the industry but ‘fair to say’ an effective one.
In the corporate world, sustainability refers to streamlining procedures and regulations to maximize their effectiveness. To put it simply, any business that makes profits can sustain itself. But if, in the process, it exhausts its resources before time or does not direct itself toward the determined goal, are its practices sustainable enough?
Now, to address sustainable recruitment, it is for the recruiters to concern themselves with creating networks with firms and job seekers, employing strategies to find the most enduring and effective hires, developing an employer brand that emphasizes sustainability, and assisting organizations in setting sustainability objectives.
Why do you need it?
Well, making the most compatible hires and then sustaining an atmosphere that supports those hires over the long term are both components of sustainable recruitment.
To retain staff and increase their productivity, both initiatives are necessary.
Additionally, it will increase the value of your company value if you have a recruiter like us by your side. This is because, to attract candidates that share your company values, a sustainable recruiter can assist you in developing your employer brand.
What if you overlook this? Will you suffer any losses?
Unfortunately, yes. The average cost of a bad hire for one person is $17,000.
A poor hire has an impact on the business' efficiency and productivity across a variety of areas, including production, quality, morale, and time management. Making bad recruiting decisions is an unsustainable behavior that costs money that could be used to fund business improvement measures.
One statement that switched our perspective on this was: "Your business won't be sustainable no matter how many sustainable goals you set if you don't commit to all of the necessary tasks, including hiring."
Get step one of your candidates' hiring right, and the rest shall follow!
Thus, this practice of sustainable recruitment.