“ESG investing has moved from being a niche strategy to becoming an essential tool for risk management and delivering long-term returns. The events of the past year have reinforced the materiality of ESG factors in investment decision-making, as companies with strong ESG profiles have shown greater resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises." - Stephanie Maier, Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing at HSBC Asset Management
In this month's edition of our Risk Insights?/ ESG GPS? monthly newsletter, we're excited to share our latest investments in building a more sustainable future. At Risk Insights?, we're committed to educating, training?and greening individuals on the importance of ESG as a tool for both competition and global betterment. Our mission is to continue contributing to a better world for all through sustainable practices.
In this Newsletter Risk Insights is pleased to share with you highlights of sustainable events
We are honoured to have made our contribution to sustainable mining practices at the recent Mining Indaba - 2023.?
With our extensive knowledge in ESG and data analytics, we are assisting companies turn ESG risks into a competitive advantage, which became critical especially in industries such as mining where sustainable practices are paramount for industry transformation. Discover how active management of ESG data, reliable ratings, and informed decisions can lead to positive investor sentiment and sustainable success. Read this insightful article here?investing has moved from being a niche strategy to becoming an essential tool for risk management and delivering long-term returns.?
Join our distinguished panellists for the upcoming INSEAD Africa Initiative and Risk Insights???webinar, "ESG: Driving Positive Change in Africa". The webinar focuses on ESG practices across the continent. Our panellists will share their insights on the current status of ESG in Africa, global perspectives and lessons, and the role of ESG disclosure in driving sustainability performance, among other key topics. Join us for an engaging discussion on how Africa can accelerate its development by leveraging ESG principles.
To attend this event please register here the 5th of March. Join us on March 15th, 2023, at 9:00 am GMT, 11:00 am SAST?
Our CEO, Andrey Bogdanov is one of the expert speakers at this year’s Corporate Governance Conference. This year’s focus is on strengthening & ensuring sound corporate governance. Applying effective board selection & appointment. Strengthening the board's risk oversight. The role of the board and exco in ESG transformation. Leadership and the governance of ethics. King IV and ISO 37000:2021, Governance of Organizations. ESG disclosure – ESG performance – positioning of the company to the future. Measuring good governance and Integrated thinking.
Risk Insights? is a professional data science boutique that delivers to its client’s sustainable solutions and products using the latest achievements of data science. Risk Insights? provided sustainable solutions with numerous products and services, including but not?limited to:
We believe in the impact that sustainability practices can have on the longevity and continuity of a business. Being on the front line of the development of cutting-edge technology has Risk Insights? pioneered an ESG rating tool for Africa. As such Risk Insights? was awarded the Agile Governance Award by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020; Received an Honourable Mention by the World Economic Forum (WEF) for excellence in sustainability in 2021; and the Certificate of Professional Services from the Institute of Risk Management South Africa. In 2022 Risk Insights was awarded the BEST ESG DATA PROVIDER AFRICA by Environmental Finance ?
Risk Insights values your privacy and respect your choices. We comply with the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPIA) and keeping your information safe.?We would like to remind you that you are on our mailing list because you are either a member and/or have subscribed or expressed an interest in our society.?No action is required if you're happy to stay on our mailing list and continue supporting sustainability in Africa together with us. Your personal information that has been provided to us will only be used to send you information, newsletters and updates on events relating to the sustainability. No personal information will be shared, without your consent, with any other party. If you'd like to opt out of our emails or have any questions, please use mail at [email protected] We are committed to protecting your personal information. Thank you for your ongoing support
Risk Insights? ESG GPS? is a sustainability AI-powered rating model developed by Risk Insights? team that has been used to rate all listed institutions at Johannesburg Stock Exchange Nairobi Securities Exchange and Nigerian Exchange. Being the first Africa-focused AI driven ESG sustainability rating tool. Stay tuned for more information! To find out more about Risk Insights?’ ESG GPS? click here.
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To keep up to date, kindly follow our social media Or contact us directly here.
Risk Insights? and ESG GPS? would like to thank you for your continued support. We shall be in contact again next month. We look forward to talking to you!
The Risk Insights? ESG GPS? Team
Hertford Office Park, Building J, 90 Bekker Road, Waterfall, South Africa, 1686, [email protected]