Sustainable Economic Boom in Two Years Time!
Research done in google, twitter using microsoft edge

Sustainable Economic Boom in Two Years Time!

The World Economy is recovering. From the aftermath of the economic crisis for most part of the world the economy has recovered.

According to Nostradamus Asia will lead in the Economic activity. Its coming true. If you take China, India and Japan, these countries will account above 40-45% of the world economy by 20-20. It will be larger than North America and European Union.

In the next two years you will see a Boom in the Financial Market and coupled with consumerism it will percolate down to other parts of the economy. This will in turn propel the financial market further and in three years time you will see a boom boom world economy.

Financial Market willl lead the rally and when augumented by capital spending, it will lead to spur in demand in IT and all other parts of the economy.

As the world economy enters the boom market, you will see a unprecedented demand for luxury items. Which means a good income for Italian, French and German countries.

It will also lead to great tourism industrial boom. Which means a great time for countries like Spain, Greece, Crete, Thailand, Malaysia, Dubai, New Zealand, Australia South America and smaller island nations.

For Africa it remains to be seen the path it wants to take. Will it be a gradual analog growth or digital or quantum leap? The only hindrance will be that of the human impedence to change. Adaptability of the African people will be put to test.This will decide how fast the continent can leap frog to this changes.

If the beningn macro condition continues there will be a virtuaous cycle and this virtual cycle will be sustainable.

The only impediments lies in geo-political tensions building up in some parts of the world.

The foremost importance should be laid down in the creation of JOBS, more JOBS and more JOBS.

Automation and Robotics are the two devil which can destabilize this virtuous cycle. This devil can de destabilize the two most important economies namely China and India which accounts for more than 50% of the world population.

The devide between the super rich and the plebicites will increase causing a socio-economic imbalance. Money Chases Money-the old adage still holds and people need to balance present consumption with future savings. In the age of consumerism which is very hard to do.

The Leaders of the World need to take a cautious approach with this two devil, automation and robotics. On the one hand you have less than 50% of the World Population and on the other hand you have 100% of the world population with sustainable booming economy for the next decade.

The approach should be of a cautious constructive mode.


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