The Secret of Being Environment Friendly and Having a Stylish House
Arrshie Singh

The Secret of Being Environment Friendly and Having a Stylish House

Diminishing Icecaps, Melting glaciers and Climate Change. The threat of Global Warming is real. 97% of climate scientists agree that warming of the earth’s atmosphere over the past few decades is a result of human activities. According to global statistics, Earth’s average temperature over a year has risen by more than 1 degree Fahrenheit, and the increase is more than double in the arctic region. The world has gone through immeasurable development in the past century, but not all has been sustainable. While humans did come up with sustainable sources of energy such as solar or hydro energy, they continued burning off all fossil fuels it had to fulfill their needs. Not only this, they even created an easy to use, all round material- Plastic, which has proved to be more of a curse than a boon in the long run. With non-eco-friendly consumer products on a rise, the need for sustainable development and sustainable consumption is more than it has ever been.

Sustainability is on a rise. But, even though there are sufficient eco-friendly products in the market for everybody’s consumption, consumers are blinded by product prices rather than realising that there is no future for humanity. Mere difference in prices between eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly, comes at the cost of humanity, which surprisingly, the people are willing to take. Even though there are people who are willing to go for cheap prices, there is a section who are willing to look beyond prices, towards a sustainable development of humanity.

Sustainable Development should begin from the base, i.e., building a roof over your head. The least you can do is start building and designing your house with eco-friendly products, which cause no or minimal harm to the earth. With growing awareness about the deteriorating condition of our planet, sustainability is the new HOT. So, going green in and out of your house not only makes you do your part for the planet, but also gets you respect and keeps you trendy among the people. People world over are seeking to incorporate sustainability principles while constructing and designing their homes.

 Different environmentally friendly products have flooded the Indian market in the past couple of years, with green agencies certifying their quality, but the consumers are not yet aware of it. They go for the cheapest alternatives ignoring what is the need of the hour. I wonder when will awareness dawn onto ALL of us, hopefully not before it’s too late.

GRIHA- Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is the LEEDS equivalent green body in India, which certifies products as green and eco-friendly after passing them through stringent processes. GRIHA has All the alternatives for construction and designing of homes, which most people are not aware of. Here is a list of some of the environment friendly products that have been given a green signal for sustainable development and sustainable designing:

1.     Ply replacement is a big break through- WPC which not only indicates better quality, but also less deforestation. Altsone is the only certified brand to have passed through all the tests for a green product.

2.     Eco-friendly paints- A lot of pollution and chemical gases are released in process of manufacturing paints. Environment friendly paints minimise that effect, and buying them at a small premium makes you do your part in saving the planet.

3.     Eco Friendly HVAC systems (AC). Releasing less toxic gases, using less energy some companies especially Daikain has HVAC systems that will not damage our planet.

4.     Eco Friendly Sanitation- Sanitary systems in the market now are efficient thereby wasting less water, and using waterless Urinals or power assisted WCs that use less water, saving water one of the most important resources needed for survival.

5.     Recycled Materials- Not everything you buy needs to be manufactured. Some are just recycled thereby decreasing pollution/exploitation of more resources.

6.     Waste Water Recycling- Waste water recycling mechanisms are introduced for washrooms, and kitchens.

7.     Eco-friendly Fabrics. Fabric production uses so much dyes that cause so much pollution to the air and water. Using eco friendly fabrics, reduce the damages. Google and you will find vendors all over taking that extra effort to produce non polluting fabrics and save our planet from further damage.

8.     There are eco friendly glass facades to fabrics to paints to tiles and to wood – rubber wood is the replace of teak wood.

9.     Rain water harvesting- Products and technologies to ease and maximise rain water harvesting are introduced to minimise wastage, especially useful in metros where water tankers are hired to fulfil the requirements.

10. Green roof gardens- What do you need more than a garden at home? Well, thanks to the products available in the market today, you can have your own garden on your roof top, which helps in reducing pollutants in the air and helps get you fresh produce.

11. Garbage management – tons of garbage finds its way into the sea or burns creating more pollution. If garbage is converted to manure – organically, we will have so much more soil for green roofs and a solution of garbage disposal.

12. Solar Panels- Though they’re little expensive, once installed in your home, it means free electricity, or lower electricity bills on a few cloudy days.

This is not it, there are tons of other eco-friendly products available in the market. We’re very well aware that a lot of products listed above are a more expensive alternative of what is already being used in market. But, go green, if you can spare a little extra from your pocket. For, paying a little higher monetary price today is better than compensating it with the price of humanity.

For all environment friendly interior products request you to please visit and help do your bit to save the planet.


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