Sustainable development is... considering 250+ years / 7 generations from now.
Manuela van der Glas [Sensing Human Being. Woman. 1st Person I/me.]
Senior Partner & Advisor @vdG & vdG [EMBA, MSc, accredited Executive Coach,EMCC. Deep thinker, author, 40+ years of practical real-life insights, global experience in human nature, organisational behaviour & development]
When cleaning out, sorting and organising my mass of acquired knowledge, I came across the following:
meeting the needs of the present
without compromising
the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs.
This definition was made by Ms. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former minister of environment, former Prime Minister of Norway defined 'sustainable development' .
Counting back the years I became aware that 'we' knew that defninition 37 years ago already.
So 'being sutainable' or 'acting sustainable' or 'considering sustainability' did not just show up when we 'discovered' carbon dioxide #CO2 in our #oxygen , its impact on our #biosphere and #lifequality and then pressed for a horrendous #supplychain to #storecarbon #CSS
When we consider and do our #duedilligence in regard to what essential information the former prime minister of Norway provided us with:
"meeting the needs of the present,
without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs"
Which 5 questions should we ask ouselves?
When planning and/or organising for setting our our massive #CSS #supplychains throughout #Europe, #Switzerland #Norway #Iceland #The Netherlands thought about transporting #CO2 through Europe and store it in Norway in old and empty #oil #gas fields or even #acquafiers.
When only considering the #finances in Switzerland, as per the end of 2023 each habitant had a #federaldebt of 150 milion [ ] and there are communities that are for 200% in dept, meaning roughly an additional CHF 13'000 per person.
In regard to the #carbonstorage project we need to ask ourselves:
There are at least 15 questions to think through thoroughly together.
Would you like to do your #duedilligence with me?
Then let me know. I am happy to help.
With kindness,
The full ' #Brundtland - Report' can be found in these places:
#EU #LEX #europa #europe
#Switzerland #Schweiz #Bundesrat #Parlament #BAFU #ASTRA
For the 2024 #UN Status, look here:
Senior Partner & Advisor @vdG & vdG [EMBA, MSc, accredited Executive Coach,EMCC. Deep thinker, author, 40+ years of practical real-life insights, global experience in human nature, organisational behaviour & development]
8 个月This shows how important a #duedilligence is.