Sustainable Citizenship: How to Better Manage Your Water Consumption

Sustainable Citizenship: How to Better Manage Your Water Consumption

Did you know that in some parts of the world people only have access to water for a few hours every day? And that many people have to walk for miles just to get water that isn't even clean? It's shocking but true. That's why it's so important for all of us to do our part in conserving this precious resource. In this blog post, we will discuss ways that you can better manage your water consumption and help make a difference. 

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Why is it so important to save water?

Water is essential for life. Not only do we need it to drink, but we also need it for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Yet, many of us take water for granted and use far more than we actually need. Just think about all the water that goes down the drain when brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. A little bit here and there may not seem like much, but it all adds up. In fact, the average person uses between 30-35 liters of water every day! Can you imagine how much water that is?

Once used, the water is partly treated and then discharged back into the environment in an unfit state. Water treatment, collection, pumping, treating, distribution, disposal of, and purification are all time-consuming procedures that also use energy and require space. Did you know? 20% of the water treated and distributed is lost due to leakage. This represents 1 billion m3 per year.

To resume it's important to save water for many reasons. For one, it's a finite resource, meaning there is only a certain amount of water on Earth and once it's gone, it's gone forever. Additionally, saving water helps to preserve our planet's natural resources and ecosystems. When we use less water, we put less strain on these systems and help to keep them healthy. Finally, saving water also saves money! The less water you use, the lower your utility bills will be.

So now that we know why it's so important to save water, let's talk about some ways we can go about doing that.

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Reuse wastewater:

Reusing water is one of the most sustainable ways to conserve this precious resource. And it's not as icky as it might sound! There are actually many ways to reuse water that you may not have even thought of. For example, did you know that you can reuse water from your shower to water your plants? Or that you can collect rainwater to use for watering your garden? There are all sorts of ways to get creative with reused water. Not only is it good for the environment, but it can also save you money.

One way to reuse wastewater is by using greywater systems. Greywater is slightly used water from sources like your sink, shower, and washing machine. It doesn't include water from toilets or kitchens because it may contain harmful bacteria. You can actually install a greywater system in your home that will collect and store this slightly used water so that you can reuse it later.

Another way to reuse water is by rainwater harvesting. This is a process where you collect and store rainwater so that you can use it later. You can do this by installing a rain barrel or cistern at your home. Then, when it rains, the water will be collected and stored in these barrels or cisterns. Later, you can use this water for watering your plants or garden.

Finally, you can also water your plants from the ground through your wastewater treatment system. Indeed, if the legislation in your country allows it, and if the type of plant is suitable, you can directly use the wastewater treated by your individual sewage system to feed your plants through the soil! Find out more about the possibilities of reusing your wastewater by contacting an expert!

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Adopt good habits to avoid losses:

In addition to reusing water, there are also many ways we can save water by simply changing our habits. For example, did you know that turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth can save up to 200 liters of water per month? That's a lot of water! Just think about all the other little ways you can save water throughout the day. 

Here are some more tips for saving water:

  • Install low-flow fixtures in your home: This includes things like low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucet aerators. Low-flow fixtures use less water than traditional fixtures, so they're a great way to conserve water.
  • Fix leaks: A small leak might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually waste a lot of water. So if you have any leaks in your home, be sure to fix them as soon as possible.
  • Take shorter showers: One way to save water is by taking shorter showers. Try to limit your shower time to five minutes or less. You can also save water by turning the water off while you're lathering up.
  • Don't let the water run: When you're washing dishes or brushing your teeth, don't let the water run the entire time. Turn it on only when you need it.
  • Check your water counter before and after you are away: This makes it easy to spot leaks. Did you know? A leaky toilet can waste up to 140,000 liters of water per year.
  • Always choose category A equipment: It is vital to verify the product's energy label before making a purchase of house appliances (dishwashers, washing machines, etc.).The label ranges from A to G, and it informs you at a glance about the appliances that use the least or most water and energy (A being the most ecologically advantageous category and G the most demanding).
  • Ensure that appliances do not scale up: It may be difficult to consider at times, but when appliances get larger, water usage rises. Consider the example of a water heater. Limescale may accumulate in the water heater, especially on the heating components that increase the water's temperature. This will result in a longer toil time while generating hot water. As a result, the heater consumes more water and energy before reaching the ideal temperature.
  • Water your plants during the cooler hours of the day: Watering your plants during the cooler hours of the day (early morning or evening) will help reduce evaporation.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose: When cleaning your driveway or sidewalk, use a broom instead of a hose. This will save water and time!

Saving water is important for so many reasons. It's good for the environment, it's good for our health, and it can even save you money. So next time you're about to let the water run, think about sustainable citizenship and adopt some good habits to better manage your water consumption!



