Sustainable biomass, BECCS and 'the fuel of the future': DES January LinkedIn Newsletter
Drax Energy Solutions
Your net zero partner: supporting and enhancing your decarbonisation journey with a range of solutions
Welcome to the first Drax Energy Solutions monthly newsletter of 2025, covering all our latest stories from January. This month, we look at:
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Sustainable biomass
This month, we focused on biomass. We provided insight into biomass and bioenergy, delved into the role of sustainable biomass in reaching net zero emissions, and answered the question ‘is biomass sustainable?’.
At Drax Energy Solutions , we provide renewable electricity as standard. For the 12 months ending 31 March 2024, bioenergy made up 82.6% of the renewable electricity we supplied to our UK business customers. Therefore, its importance to our journey towards net zero can’t be understated.
Read the articles below to learn more about biomass ??
Keeping the lights on – Drax is set to be one of the first BECCS power stations in the world
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is a unique technology that generates renewable energy while simultaneously removing carbon from the atmosphere.
The use of BECCS at Drax Group UK is estimated to save the UK £15bn, and could remove up to 8 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere annually. This is equivalent to cancelling all departing flights from Heathrow – while also generating clean power for 5 million homes ????
To learn more about BECCS at Drax, follow the link below ??
Are REGOs still worth buying?
Corporates and customers are increasingly expecting their suppliers to evidence sustainability credentials. And asking whether suppliers source renewable energy – one of the simplest steps an organisation can take – is often the first question they’ll pose…
That’s where Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origins (REGOs) come in.
We explored how buying REGOs helps promote your sustainability credentials in a recent article; read it here.
Is all the talk about green hydrogen just hot air?
The past few months have seen plenty of conversations about low carbon hydrogen within the energy sector – be it blue, pink or green.
In January, we explored green hydrogen: what it is, its benefits and risks, and how it can support net zero.
With talks of it being ‘the fuel of the future’, the buzz around green hydrogen has never been bigger. ??
Naomi Nye joins Liz Allan on the Electric Evolution Podcast ??
Naomi Jane Nye , Head of EV Sales at Drax Electric Vehicles ? recently sat down with Liz Allan on the Electric Evolution Podcast ??
Liz and Naomi discussed the important role of education and the need to bring all stakeholders together to overcome barriers to EV adoption. Naomi also shared her insights into the challenges, strategies, and exciting innovations shaping the future of decarbonisation.
2024 – the year GB electricity demand turned a corner
In our latest Intelligence piece, Daniel Starman looks at a fundamental shift in the electricity sector.
For the first time in 19 years (excluding the 2009 financial crisis, extreme cold spells in 2018, or post-Covid recovery in 2021), GB electricity demand increased.
To learn more about this increase in demand, follow the link below ??