Sustainability - what's the take?
The very Primitive instinct of living beings is to survive. In today’s world we have means to achieve and track Sustainability but why we are in such a dire situation.
Human has exploited the nature in all means possible and now the repercussions are apparent more than ever.
A few days back I was quite surprised to see my 7-year-old daughter coming back from school and asking me “Mummy! do you know what SDGs are? Guess she first wanted to confirm.
?I said, “Yes, it is Sustainability Development Goals, why?”. Her expressions changed instantly in anticipation.
“Can you tell me about SDGs, I need to talk about them in my class next week”.
What an irony when you co-hosted lecture on “Sustainability in IT” a week ago this newest generation is already learning about this evolving field.
Fantastic experience to be a part of Tech Talk on "Sustainability in IT" conducted at Maitreyi College, University of Delhi on 11th September 2024 under Mayurakshi Mitra enthusiastic leadership. The session touched upon the concepts of Sustainability and Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on IT systems and how optimal use of resources and best practices can help for a futuristic solution and received overwhelming response from esteemed facility members and students.
?The 17 SDGs with 169 associated targets supremely ambitious and transformational vision - the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by 193 Member States during the meeting at UN Headquarters in New York from 25-27 September 2015.
Governments have the primary responsibility for follow-up and review, at the national, regional and global levels, in relation to the progress made in implementing the Goals and targets over the coming years.?
?But does that mean the commitment and accountability lies only with Government and the institutions. We as individuals have no role to play in our capacity and can turn a blind eye to it?
Yes, we do!
What can we do?
·?????? How about switching off TV/WIFI/Set-Top box from power source rather than just pressing the remote button to avoid Phantom Power consumption? – an effort towards SDG goal 12(Responsible Consumption & production)???
·?????? Placing plant(s) on your desks)? – A small step towards reducing Carbon footprint under SDG 13(climate Action).
·?????? Or close the wash basin tap as soon as you take your hands off the tap water flow to stop unnecessary wastage of water while brushing our teeth (SDG ?6 – Clean Water and Sanitation) or simply shortening the showers. By 2050, researchers estimate that nearly half of the world’s population will live in water scarcity areas.
Cities like Cape Town are already experienced the Day Zero crisis and many more on the edge of it.
·?????? Embracing the Gender Equality in personal, social and professional front to make this world a better place and equal opportunities for all to thrive.
·?????? reduce food wastage, a contribution towards Zero Hunger (SDG 2) goal to end hunger and access for all to sufficient and nutritious food.
Let us be mindful of not rendering this planet inhabitable for future generations – Save Earth!
I stop here hoping we ponder upon this and can contribute in the minimalistic way possible (to start with) with this quote by Helen Keller.
"?Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”?
#sustainability #sustainabilityInIT #SDG #DoYourBit