Sustainability is taking care of our Environment, enhancing its history and its culture
Photo credits: FAI-Fondo-Ambiente-Italiano -

Sustainability is taking care of our Environment, enhancing its history and its culture

The commitment to sustainable and low environmental impact production cannot ignore the protection and safeguarding of our natural, artistic and cultural heritage.

To help create a better world, it’s not only necessary to invest in innovation, but also to preserve knowledge, traditions and historical values, so that they can help us to value our present and the future to come.

With this goal, MITI supports FAI - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, with which it has for some time shared an important challenge: trying to make Italy an increasingly welcoming and pleasant place in which to live, work and raise young people.

The landscape and cultural riches that the FAI protects and promotes represent a unique capital in the world and a fundamental resource on which to invest to develop and grow our country. Thanks to the support of its members - from private citizens to companies - for almost 50 years the FAI has been preserving and managing assets present throughout the national territory: historical, artistic and landscape settlements that have been restored and open to the public.

In line with its mission of environmental and production sustainability, MITI wants to emphasize, also in this way, the importance of taking care of the environment and the people who live there. But he knows that his contribution alone is not enough.

To share all the wonderful FAI projects, we need the support of all the people who believe in the work of this organization committed every day to protect and make accessible the artistic, cultural and natural heritage of our country, becoming the spokesperson for a more responsible civil conscience and driver of concrete actions on the territory.

Find out more about all the projects that MITI supports. ?



