Sustainability reporting standards in different countries and regions of the World
Global Reporting Trends

Sustainability reporting standards in different countries and regions of the World

In recent years, sustainability reporting has witnessed a significant evolution worldwide, with various regions implementing standards and regulations to enhance transparency and accountability in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) stands as a prominent global standard, offering universal, sector-specific, and topic-based standards that set the foundation for comprehensive reporting across organizations. Meanwhile, the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has emerged as a game-changer, mandating stringent requirements for sustainability reporting among listed companies and SMEs, with a notable emphasis on assurance by third-party providers. In parallel, India's Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) framework and China's recent sustainability disclosure mandate reflect a growing commitment to addressing ESG concerns. Furthermore, Singapore and the United States have unveiled their respective plans to enforce climate-related sustainability reporting, aiming to align with international standards and foster comparability. Amidst these global reporting trends, the role of assurance providers becomes increasingly crucial, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of disclosed information, fostering trust among stakeholders and driving long-term value creation.

Focus on scope of application, requirements, timeline, and assurance.

Global standard: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) GRI: Three different types of standards exist:?

  • Universal standards: they represent the most relevant transformation for GRI, from providing guidelines to setting standards for reporting. They apply to all organisations, and they set the very foundation of all the reporting according to GRI, ensuring a high level of transparency and reporting appropriateness on environmental, social, and economic aspects to the relevant stakeholders. They are divided into GRI-1, the Foundation that outlines the purpose of the standards, clarifies critical concepts, and explains how to use them; GRI-2, the General Disclosures that give insights into organisation’s profiles and scale, and help in providing a context for understanding their impacts; GRI-3- Material Topics, which determines how an organisation needs to select the most relevant material topics to be disclosed and how to manage each topic.
  • Sector Standards: 40 distinct business sectors are considered, and standards are listed for each, beginning with the ones that have the biggest effects, such as oil and gas, agriculture, and fishing. Upon identifying the industry to which an organisation belongs, all the standards within that sector are probably important. The most important effects related to the industry are discussed in this section, topic by topic.?
  • Topic Standards: these comprise informational disclosures about various areas, such as waste, taxation, occupational health and safety, and so forth. Organisations apply the Topic Standards they have chosen for reporting, aligning them to the material topics they have identified.

According to a KPMG survey of 2022, GRI remains the most used sustainability disclosure standard at the global level.

European Union’s CSRD

The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) entered into force on January 1, 2023. It has been developed by the former EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) and it sets the basis for sustainability reporting in the EU according to specific standards, the ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards). Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is to be adopted at the European level as part of the Green Deal objectives. It profoundly changes the requirements for non-financial reporting and aims at increasing the accountability of companies for ESG issues.? Scope of application: companies affected are:

  • All listed companies if they respect at least 2 of these 3 criteria:

They have at least 250 employees on average during the financial year.

They have at least 40 M euros of net turnover

They have at least 20 M euros of total assets

  • Small and medium-sized capital market-oriented companies
  • Non-EU companies with a turnover of more than 150 M EUR in the EU and have at least one EU branch or subsidiary

Innovations embedded: compared to NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive), the first innovation we can observe about CSRD is a significant extension of the scope and depth of reporting (approximately 50,000 companies in the EU); materiality has broadened its dimension, thanks to the introduction of “double materiality”. Reporting both on retrospective and future information, with the definition of sustainability goals and KPIs, is a further innovative element. But the main element we can underline is that the sustainability report has become a mandatory component of the management report, even if included in a separate section, and that it needs to be assured by the provider of third-party assurance.

Timeline of application:?

  • 2024: first application of the CSRD for the fiscal year 2024, to be reported in 2025 for large PIEs (Public Interest Entities) and large companies already subject to the NFRD;
  • 2025: first application of the CSRD for “large companies” to be reported in 2026;
  • 2026: first application for small and medium capital market-oriented enterprises;?
  • 2028: same application for non-EU companies.

The Indian BRSR (Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report)

By implementing stringent regulatory measures, India is strongly taking on increasing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concerns and sustainability issues. This involves improving the management of third-party verification for sustainability disclosures and Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reports (BRSR) for the top 1000 listed businesses. These actions aim to counteract “Sustainability Whitewashing”, the practice of companies exaggerating or distorting their environmental efforts, fostering transparency and accountability in sustainability reporting. Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework was introduced by the Securities & Exchange Board of India in 2021 as a mandatory reporting requirement for the top 1000 listed companies.? However, the journey originates from “Voluntary Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility” formulated in 2019 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India. Subsequently, the Business Responsibility Report based on National Voluntary Guidelines was introduced by SEBI as Mandatory Reporting for 100 companies in 2012 and then included the top 500 in 2015 and the top 1000 in 2019. Finally, BRR evolved into BRSR in 2021, making it a comprehensive ESG reporting framework.

It is made of 3 reporting sections, 2 kinds of indicators (Essential and Leadership indicators), 140 questions, qualitative and quantitative information to be disclosed and an annual report to be submitted.? Scope of application: The BRSR is India's first framework that requires businesses to disclose quantitative measures on sustainability-related variables beginning in fiscal year 2023—for qualifying organisations from April 2022 to March 2023. It currently impacts India's top 1000 public companies by market capitalization.

It is composed of three disclosure areas:?

  • General disclosures: they include basic company information such as production sites, plants, product and service details (90% of total business turnover), exchanges where the company is listed, and reporting boundaries, which determine whether disclosures refer to a standalone entity or a consolidated portfolio of companies. The average of employees by gender and diversity and inclusion themes are also on the list, along with data on employee turnover and the number of complaints and grievances submitted against the company.
  • Management and process disclosures: they provide evidence that businesses are respecting the systems and structures requested in the National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC). These guidelines are about high-level policy and management processes, including governance. Companies need to show they are implementing these policies after approval.
  • Principle-wise performance disclosures: they are more focused on quantitative data linked to the nine basic principles of the NGRBC. These guidelines have the objective of supporting companies in showing how their operations impact environmental and social dimensions. Businesses need to demonstrate that they are integrating the fundamental principles into their processes and operations and that they measure decisions according to KPIs.

Some benefits and opportunities deriving from the application of these standards are:?

  • Company’s ability to manage and mitigate ESG risks
  • Enhanced transparency
  • Strengthening business ethics and internal policies
  • Align with international requirements
  • Generate trust among stakeholders
  • Long-term value creation

Timeline for reporting and disclosure:?

  • Reporting of BRSR Core KPIs (mandatory): from FY 2023–2024 on for the top 1000?
  • Reasonable assurance for BRSR Core KPIs (mandatory): from FY 2023-2024 for the top 150; from FY 2024-2025 for the top 250; from FY 2025-2026 for the top 500; from FY 2026-2027 for the top 1000.
  • Value chain disclosures (Scope 3) BRSR Core KPIs (comply or explain basis): from FY 2024-2025 on for the top 250
  • Limited assurance for value chain disclosures for BRSR Core KPIs (comply or explain basis): from FY 2025-2026 on for the top 250.

Types of assurance frameworks accepted by BRSR: ISAE 3000, IAASB, SSAE 3000, SAE 3410 Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements, AA1000 Assurance Standard.

China’s New Sustainability Disclosure Mandate

In February 2024, China released a mandatory sustainability disclosure regulation for its three largest stock exchanges, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Beijing, which will have to disclose a range of environmental, social, and governance information. Topics to be reported include climate change, ecosystem and biodiversity preservation, energy use, the circular economy, and rural revitalization.

The requirements will be applicable from 2026, and it will affect the large companies listed on these three stock exchanges. Scope 3 emissions will be reported too. The enterprises affected will be fewer than 500, but they represent half of the listed market value. The Beijing Stock Exchange has introduced the guidelines voluntarily, as it only hosts SMEs.

What is interesting is that the Chinese standard also appoints double materiality, like the European CSRD (financial and impact materiality). Double materiality is also meant as reporting both on the risks and impacts of sustainability issues on an enterprise, and the enterprise’s impacts on the environment and society (inside-out and outside-in approaches).


Singapore’s Parliament has recently announced that it will be mandatory to publish a climate-related sustainability report for listed and large non-listed companies starting in 2025, based on the ISSB standards.?

SGX has introduced a phased approach to mandatory climate reporting based on the recommendations of the TCFD, following this timeline:

  • 2023: publish climate reporting is mandatory for all issuers on a “comply or explain” basis in FY 2022.
  • 2024: publish climate reporting is mandatory for issuers in the financial industry, agriculture, food and forest products industry, and energy industry in FY 2023. For other types of companies, reporting is voluntary.
  • 2025: Climate reporting is mandatory for listed companies (issuers in financial industry, agriculture, food and forest products industry, energy industry, materials and buildings industry, and transportation industry) from FY 2025 regarding scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions;
  • 2026: listed companies will also have to report scope 3 GHG emissions.
  • 2027: listed companies need to obtain limited assurance for scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. Reporting on scopes 1 and 2 becomes mandatory for large, non-listed companies that have at least 1 B in revenue and 500 M in assets.
  • 2029: large non-listed companies need to have their reports on scopes 1 and 2 assured (limited assurance).

The specific obligations for each type of company will be delivered gradually. For listed companies, it will be mandatory to report on scope 1 and 2 emissions in the first year, while on scope 3/value chain emissions in 2026. They will need to have their report assured (external limited assurance) on scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions two years after beginning reporting, starting in 2027.

Assurance providers accepted in Singapore: audit firms registered with ACRA + TIC firms accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council.

For large non-listed companies, the timeline will be similar, but the reporting of scope 3 will not start until 2029.


In March 2022, the SEC proposed rules that would alter the requirements for registrants to include climate-related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports, which could be useful for assessing the impact of business, results, and operations on climate.?

Regulation's requirements: the required information would contain the most generally used criteria for assessing registrants' risk management and exposure, such as GHG emissions reports. For example, the rules require registrants to disclose information:?

  • On climate-related risks and risk management processes,
  • What recognised climate-related risks affect the registrant's business and financial statements,
  • How the risks identified may affect the registrants’ strategy, business model, and outlook

Scope 1 and 2 emissions were required to be reported. Scope 3 emissions were only meant to be disclosed if they were material or if the registrant had set a GHG target that included Scope 3 emissions.

On February 28, 2024, Reuters issued an article informing that on March 6th, Wall Street’s top regulator will vote on whether to adopt rules that will require US-listed companies to disclose climate-related risks in a potentially major overhaul of US disclosure rules.

The SEC's (Security Exchange Commission) objective is to create a common set of standards for companies to disclose on climate-related topics, such as GHG, risks, and how much they are investing to transition to a low-carbon economy. Currently, it doesn’t impose common standards. The reason behind this aim is the need to have information about companies that is comparable to other countries’ standards already providing such information.

The SEC is yet to release a final draft, but it has released an ambitious Scope 3 plank that would have required companies to disclose emissions from their supply chains; it has also relaxed the requirements for Scope 1 and 2 emissions disclosures (pollution categories for which companies are directly responsible). While the proposal originally made these disclosures mandatory, now that the rule is being revised, they may become mandatory only if they are material; otherwise, they may not be reported.

Different sustainability reporting requirements at a glance:

Different sustainability reporting requirements at a glance


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