Sustainability Report 2023-2024
INSEAD Hoffmann Institute
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Hot off the press! INSEAD has published its Sustainability Report for the academic year 2023-2024.
This report has been compiled using international sustainability standards and frameworks: GRI, UN PRME, UNAI, all which are then aligned with the SDGs. Reporting against these frameworks adds both accuracy, relevance and credibility to INSEAD actions and initiatives in this space during the reporting period.
As you read the report, you will learn how INSEAD has made numerous advances to integrate sustainability across all functions of the school. These initiatives range from embedding sustainability components into all core MBA courses and appointing the first Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, to launching the Europe Campus Re-imagination programme aimed at enhancing building energy efficiency and transforming the user experience for students and executive participants.
On the research front our faculty contribute to the sustainability agenda by publishing cutting edge research in top tier peer review academic journals as well as develop new business cases. Supported by the Hoffmann Institute R&D fund, faculty benefit from important resources to research new sustainability insights and business models.
INSEAD convened leading actors from the global business education ecosystem by hosting the annual Business Schools for Climate Leadership conference. We mobilized students, alumni and social entrepreneurs and the corporate community at multiple events such as the World Economic Forum in Davos and the ChangeNOW Summit in Paris.
This INSEAD sustainability report aims to provide strong awareness and a clear understanding for how INSEAD is driving its sustainability agenda. While the Hoffmann Institute continues to play a central role in leading the global agenda for the school, this report acknowledges the contributions of faculty, alumni, students and staff across all departments, centres and initiatives who eagerly embrace INSEAD’s mission to be the business school for the world, and one that develops responsible leaders who transform business and society.
Read the full report now for the key facts and figures and to see how we engaged with stakeholders to integrate sustainability into everything the school does.
Knowledge and Content Lead, Hoffmann Institute at INSEAD | Just and Regenerative Business
1 天前Congratulations Amelia Bayly for leading this!!!