Sustainability is a passion, not just fashion!
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Sustainability is a passion, not just fashion!

As a kid, watching the rain was one of my favorite pastimes. It was a feast to the senses.

The silver lines coming down from the heaven, pleasing to the eyes.

The soothing music of water hitting the trees.

The petrichor with the sweet aroma of water meeting virgin soil.

And the raindrops touching your soul when you extend your little hands into the rain.

Truly blissful.

In those days, in all my innocence, I took water for granted. Nobody paid for water in my village and the well was always full of cool water. Now stationed in an urban setting, water comes with a price. Even in the villages, clean potable water comes with a price tag. The price we must pay for making the life sustainable on the planet earth. Water still goes through the same hydrologic cycle. But repeated human interruptions made this process an expensive one.

We just talked about water.

When it comes to sustainability, the corporates look at the economic, social and ecological aspects. Whether the focus is profit, people or the planet, any sustainability mission needs a heart. It should not be just another exercise to make extra financial benefit or gain some CSR value or score additional green marks.

Sustainability must be a continuous process. It never ends. Sustainability is a culture that needs to be nurtured throughout the community. Being the biggest consumer of the planet earth, human race holds a bigger responsibility in protecting it. And every human being breathing on this earth is part of this greater mission. Once we inhale the air; once we sip the water; once we eat the fruit, we are already part of this big organism called ecosystem and we have the eternal responsibility to safeguard its equilibrium.

We may continue to play complacent. We may think the worries are for the future generations to handle.

Or we can be more conscious of our thoughts and actions. So that we can prolong the equilibrium. So that we can sustain life on this planet earth.

Let us seek continuous improvement in sustainability. Whether it means an extra mile of walking every day for you and me by ditching the car; Or saving that additional drop of water at the cooling towers for a commercial building by employing green technologies, the effect is the same. Continuous contribution to sustainable living on the planet earth.

Let us not make sustainability as a fashion statement. Let it not be something that looks good on the websites or name cards. Let it not be something that sounds good in the conference rooms or board meetings.

Each employee or each human being at large becomes a sustainability manager.

Let us give life to sustainability.

Let us give power to it.

Let us be a little more passionate about sustainability.


