“Sustainability is my strategy, but I am not sure I believe in it…” - 2023 may bring the clarity you need
Center for Responsible Business and Leadership @ CATóLICA-LISBON
Our purpose is to contribute to a society where we only have Responsible Businesses led by Responsible Leaders.
Will 2023 reinforce the ESG Agenda in the corporate world or will it be put to a hold?
This is the question I hear and read so often in the last few weeks. I have no doubt 2023 will be a test of corporates around the world. As someone so nicely put it recently: “the year we will find out if corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles are deeply ingrained values or in fact only hobbies to be enjoyed in economic fair weather”
In my view, I cannot even understand how it is possible to doubt that there is only one way forward – the clear path to make Sustainability a core part of any business strategy. The one that leads, above all, to economic sustainability in the long run. And, in the process, ensuring the social and environmental sustainability we all should aspire to.
The interesting thing is that according to a recent KPMG survey, “CEOs have made significant strides in tying ESG to profitability, with 70% of U.S. CEOs acknowledging that ESG improves financial performance, up from 37% just last year. Yet 59% of CEOs said they planned to pause or reconsider their ESG efforts” Interesting, right? It is almost as if the mood is “yes, sustainability is my strategy, but I really do not believe in it!”.
In this context, 2023 seems to be the year in which corporate executives finally understand the need to pursue that strategy because…they will finally believe in it. Let us remind the C-Suite of three key reasons they need to keep going back to, to “weather any storm”:
One of the core strategies of ESG investing is risk mitigation since ESG-related issues are material and can cause financial or reputational damage. Especially during volatile periods in the market, investors want to know that these environmental and social risks are being tracked and managed at the highest levels in the company. Moreover, geopolitics will strengthen the case for ESG as prudent investment strategy
In a nutshell: if Sustainability is already your strategy, stick to it, 2023 will only reinforce your leadership in the market. You just have to believe in the journey you already embarked on. If it is not, I would, at the very minimum…consider revisiting whatever path you have decided to pursue. Or you may regret in 2024 the time lost in 2023.
Have a great and impactful week!
Nuno Moreira da Cruz,?Executive Director?at the?Center for Responsible Business & Leadership?
This article refers to edition #171 of the "Have a Great and Impactful Week" Newsletter and covers SDG 1 to 17.?Subscribe?here?to receive the weekly newsletter.