Sustainability in Human Capital Networks for organizational functional modules- Cost and Frustration??

That everybody and nobody to lead is an anarchistic idea not possible in an organization is trivial basic prerequisites. There are other more moral and ethical basic rights/values which comes in addition to this as part of the conduct to be humane using science an reason. By this , I mean that one should resist corruption and not unduly frustrate your fellowmen or environment, but rather pay Your dues towards society and help by developping;

Wellness & Health and preservation of our environment/climate through sustainable actions and energy sources

Your human and social Capital/values through your fellowmen and their dignity through Social entrepeneurship and work/activity for all.

In addition to the necessary local in time/Space Liquid Capital which we all should work for With the local intent of aquiring wealth , innovation and human Capital for the benefit of future generations for theith as much due diligence as before Social values as we all to some extent Dance around our Godlen V The real difficulty lies in developping a functional sustainable human capital so that your business goals can be robustly obtained with distinct solid positively business gaps with the extra social value of an optimally well and least frustrated human capital in your organization. On larger time and spatial scales there will be the global goals of

Sustainability in Human Capital Networks for organizational functional modules- Shouldn't these concepts be related to and include nonlocal COSTs and frustration due to the Heavy Tolls on Present Global Changes in the Arctic marine-ice and the marine environmental huge changes and massive near extinction of arctic important species like Icebears and seals and the important Source of unique Marin Ice alga. Global changes is now obvious Especially in Ocean harvesting Food/Health and Ecological Chain due to irreversible changes in plastic /microplastic content, infection of Wild Fish from aquaculture and these climate induced changes in global alga due to Arctic Marine alga. Here we must not forget that our friends the marin Alga in fact single handed created the Oxygen atmoshere of the Earth for 2,5 billion years ago could very well turn it off and fall into a for us poisonous state making a different kind of atmosphere which we, the humans and many other species on this planet for sure would go extinct in.  We are now well into the Anthropogenic Era . These present global changes in the Arctic Marine Ice makes me worried due to that there are several obvious unstable driven positive feedback loops With serious adverse effects which there is no need to be rocket scientist to realize, but may be you need to be a scientist to be able to predict the potential catastrophic outcomes and even to see that these positive feedback loops are exactly what is needed to make the tipping Points of instability , even on a global scale. For sure the situation is not helped by that we continue electing one-eyed leaders With no appreciation of reducing frustration in society , environment/ecology or climate and taking action on the global anthropogenic drives. 

Especially, in the Arctic and Antartic marine areas are extremely sensitive to these adverse effects through global positive nonlinear feedback loops of e.g.:

1. The solar albedo will decrease backradiation of solar heat from the Earth due to change in the white icecap . This lead to positive secondary change of heat due to any climate driven heating of the Arctic Icecap. An obvious tipping point of rapid explosive meltdown of the Arctic marine ice

2. If this extra heating due to changes in albedo is sufficient to also meltdown the Greenland and Antarctic Inland Ice within say a timescale of the order of hundred years, we will be in serious trouble due to a 60 m increase in Ocean surface Level With massive, catastrophi changes in the coastline of many great cities in the world simply buried , e.g London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Oslo , Troms? to mention a few.

3. There will also be positive feedback change in albedo due to extra Marin Growth and change in surface Ocean color of alga which might potentially make a poisonous changes both in marin environment and the Earths atmosphere.

4. One can just og on and find all sorts of Vicious circles due to positive feedback loops coming from our anthropogenic nonsustainable present behavior. This will have to change and Electric buses in China is not the solution here as long as the Electric Production is not sustainable . It will be so if efficient energy Sources Which does moderate the climate and encironmental drive of the Marine and Arctic /Antarctic areas in particular.


I am really worried about the present backwards status of economic and engineering human capital network theory which are not including the heavy tolls on environment and climate.

. In fact , the important North Pole ice is currently dissolving while we are doing what .....The importance on global marine ecology due to Plastic pollution are already creating huge areas in the remote Barents sea near the pole. All is talking about the importance of sustainability while the reality is that one are not well equipped to even describe the situation by models and adequate concepts . The same situation appears to me to be the case both qualitatively and quantitatively in BI and Fintech and Engineering both locally and nonlocally


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