Sustainability in hotels and tourism
I write here as I am passionate about changing things, specially after awareness of cleaning processes while or after Covid increases drastically. So to reopen already or again offers big chance for changes here. If we speak about sustainability in hotel and tourism everyone thinks probably first about special Ecohotels or Lodges or switching from single use amenities to refill systems, installing solar or other alternative energy sources, planting trees, giving food waste away and many more things directly visible to customers. This is all good and important on the way to sustainability and hotel chains like Hilton, Scandic, Marriott and many more chains and small hotels go ahead here very visible and with large developments. Where in the moment less efforts are put into is the whole operation of cleaning in rooms, hotel cleaning operations general or the kitchen and catering areas. This might be that product where not that efficient for some time, Ecolabel was still largely connected to household areas or simply operations sticked to what is done since years, due to training effords and paperwork needed. Sometimes we also loose the overview of what is real and there are so many claims of companies called Eco or products with an Eco addition in name, which are not reall Eco, there is a lot of marketing with less Eco, although tere ar emany quality manufacturers and companies offering real value and Eco approaches. Well there is a good message, today with the developments in raw materials, technical possibilities envolved and also improving Ecolabel regulation and standards the time of change is already here. We can solve with Ecolabel solutions and products having a huge impact also on CO2footprint in transport and logistic, also cutting down drastically packaging waste in the operation the problems of today and the future already today ! Tablets will be one answer to what is needed here in cleaning operations. For example as a first step our Quin Tab professional cleaning tablets offer a safe and controlled way in chemical use, self diluting fizzling technology, protected with a solulable foil (without micro plastic), no more over oder underdilution, no big training to change (just drop a tablet), control of use of raw materials in the set up to not build up residue films on surfaces, less heavy to carry and controlled to give to your cleaning staff, Ecolabel under professional set up performance and finally solving the packaging waste problem in your operation too as a simple to handle refill system. The products where already rigerous tested towards performance and confirm this again and again to be a first class alternative and to change also the operation to a more sustainable process. If you want to know how we can make your cleaning processes also more sustainable without any compromise in the quality of the cleaning which is important, also after awareness of Covid and hygiene importance, then contact me, I will update you with solutions. This seems to be only a small step towards a general sustainability in tourism and hotel operations (but also in restaurant, fast food chain, shop or mall, office and in any other daily maintenance cleaning operation), but every step counts and the bigger the operation is the larger is the impact we can have. There is already a huge demand and many chains and hotels are actively looking into this and we are at the forefront of this change and processes. Thank you for your time reading, any comments are welcome, also please share as this is a real affair of my heart to change here and support you. With best regards Derek Warner
Doing is like wanting only much better.
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