Sustainability Bulletin - 10.31.2022
A Sustainable World is possible! ??

Sustainability Bulletin - 10.31.2022

Dear Friends,

We have prepared a condensed bulletin for you based on news, articles, and developments that recently took place around the globe about Sustainability.

Here’s what happened last week in our Sustainable World;

?Sustainable Cabin Materials: NBAA-BACE 2022 F.LIST GMBH, expert in handcrafted interiors for business and private jets, yachts, and residences, unveiled the business aviation sector’s first portfolio of bio-based sustainable materials. Designed to transform the vision of a sustainable cabin into reality, the suite of innovative materials extends sustainability options for aircraft owners and operators beyond sustainable aviation fuel and carbon offsetting programs. Read more:

?Sustainable Jet Fuel: The burgeoning market for sustainable jet fuel will soon reach a milestone, with a plant capable of turning out for the first time a lower-emission fuel at the same price as fossil fuel-based options. But this price parity will only come as a result of a $50 million grant from Bill Gates-led Breakthrough Energy, alongside support from discounted loans and other financial subsidies. Read more:

?Sustainability Concept: Nespresso is proud to present RE:FARM, a limited-time, experiential showcase that highlights the circular journey of coffee - from capsule to cup to the dining table – all under one roof. RE:FARM will run from September 2022 to June 2023 and consumers can personally see, touch, and taste the results of Nespresso's sustainability efforts. The program is the result of a partnership between Nespresso, K11 and Common Farms, a local indoor agri-tech farm, and is aligned with the sustainability initiatives of parent group Nestlé SA and its commitment to unlock the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. Read more:

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?Apparel Industry: The sustainable fashion movement is taking the fashion and apparel industry by storm, as people around the world are increasingly conscious of the environmental impacts of their consumption habits. The sustainable fashion trend is also beginning to take root in China, driven by young, urban, and increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. In contrast to fast fashion, sustainable fashion emphasizes low-emissions clothing products that are built to last. As China seeks to radically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable fashion has the potential to transform the country’s fashion and apparel industry – but requires long-term investments to drive cultural change among consumers. Read more:

?Net Nature Positive: Croda International Plc has joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). In addition to joining the WBCSD, Croda has also announced a goal to become net nature positive by 2030. In addition to its existing sustainability commitment, the company will work to achieve a net nature-positive future. Croda plans to achieve this through an increased focus on preserving and restoring natural ecosystems in its supply chains, minimizing the water impact of its operations, and helping accelerate sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Read more:

?Sustainable Shopping: Wayfair Inc., one of the world’s largest destinations for the home, announced its expanded 'Shop Sustainably' offering, which allows shoppers to easily find sustainable products that adhere to a wide-variety of third-party certifications. With more than 50 third-party sustainability certifications to-date, Wayfair is home to the largest variety of sustainability certifications featured by a home retailer. Read more:

?Energy Source: With solar panels being noticed around Tech’s campus and the importance of sustainability being stressed by many, questions are being raised about where Tech’s energy derives from. Ten years ago, Tech made the decision to stop burning coal for an energy source and convert to more efficient and reliable means. Tech refers to their energy source as steam powered. “Steam on campus to heat the buildings used to come from a coal burner next to Spankies, but it has been converted to natural gas some years ago,” Research and Development engineer Robert Craven said. Read more:

?Sustainability Initiatives: Organisers of the first Veterinary Green Discussion Forum believe the initiative can deliver “real positive results” for the sustainability of the sector. Hosted by Anthony Chadwick, the chief executive of The Webinar Vet, the inaugural forum was held at Brockholes Nature Reserve near Preston from September 22nd-23rd, and was attended by representatives from the RCVS, veterinary associations, practices, vet businesses and other affiliated organisations. Read more:

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?Sustainable Agriculture: Carbon offsetting is sometimes regarded as a distraction, but an approach being trialled on French apple orchards is using blockchain to ensure farmers are removing more CO2 from the atmosphere than they emit. Read more:

?Sustainability Index: Honeywell, a global leader in energy and climate transition solutions, announced the launch of its Environmental Sustainability Index. The index is the first quarterly indicator of key trends pertaining to global efforts in climate change mitigation and other sustainability initiatives. Two-thirds of the S&P 500 have set emission reduction targets of some kind, according to an August report from Harvard Business Review. In its first of a quarterly series, Honeywell's new index is tracking sentiment data on corporate climate priorities and approaches to environmental sustainability. Read more:

A Sustainable World is possible! ??

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Intengine is associated with Online media publisher, A Sustainable World, to raise awareness of and engagement in global sustainability issues and solutions.

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