Sustainability begins within us – In the mind? Not exactly!
Alexander Lupanow
You’re shaping a better future—I help you amplify it with video storytelling and strategic guidance that connects, inspires, and drives action.
These are my thoughts right now, partly unfiltered... hence chaotic. Enjoy :)
1. Change from Within
Sustainability only truly works when we, as humans, change ourselves. And that doesn’t start solely in the mind – or not only there. Our society is already way too head-focused – reason above all. Sure, the intellect is important, but if we rely solely on it, we act out of ego. And yes, that has its rightful place, of course. But the ego strives for separation – while the soul craves union. And, seriously, where is the good soul then? Hmm.
2. More Than Just the Brain
Apparently, there are phenomena in the quantum field around us – like our memories that aren’t stored “only” in the brain. How? Sounds like woo-woo, right? A lot of what used to be called woo-woo or magic is now considered science – just seen from a different perspective. And we know, “scientifically,” that humans only perceive a fraction of what’s called reality – namely, the three spatial dimensions and a fourth dimension as linear time. Just look at your cats. Maybe you’ll learn something from them… they seem to be on a whole different level than us “dry-nosed” types, and they don’t even need words to communicate.
3. The Body as a Holistic System
Let’s head down south for a bit:
Body Scan: From the head toward the chest.
Aahh, the heart – the rhythm of life.
And who would have thought? It can think – yeah, it has neurons. And whoever has heard of heart-brain coherence and magnetic fields (not just those of the Earth, but of all living beings) knows how powerful the heart really is – even when it comes to making decisions or, better yet, guiding our lives. Why? Because it’s the connection to the soul. Ah, the soul – though that hasn’t been proven at all. Then it comes back around: the logic, the mind. And what has it brought us? Technology, soap, and a lot of loneliness. Why? As I mentioned earlier, the ego strives for separation. The ego resides in the mind.
And you know those gut decisions? Intuition. Ha! The gut is smart too.
The brain is the control center, but the free will—the overseer—doesn’t actually sit there, because the brain loves to work energy-efficiently:
? Habits
? Beliefs ????– even if those aren’t exactly conducive to our holistic growth as human beings.
And I’m not just talking about the body. The brain and the rest of the body form a true dream team. I mean, our mind often gets in our way because it costs less energy and creates less stress to stay in the comfort zone. So the ego manifests fears that are supposed to protect us from change—it’s just so darn comfortable.
4. Authenticity and Shadow Work
Everyone talks about authenticity, but who actually lives it? Authenticity means confronting your own shadows. And if you know Carl Jung, you know just how important shadow work is. That’s exactly what’s happening worldwide right now: a massive process of reflection where values are being redefined – and it’s neither fast nor easy. There’s a lot of BS out there – systems are collapsing. I say: Good! If they no longer serve us, then bring on the cleansing—straight into the washing machine. Because vulnerability and compassion are the keys. Empathy – something I learn daily from my wife Anna, because I’m definitely not a master of empathy yet. Lots of shadow work… I’m on it. Step by step.
5. Sustainability, Video, and the Buzzword: Authenticity
Sure, you can make glossy videos, but the numbers show: That just doesn’t work anymore. People see through facades. What really counts is what’s genuine. And here’s a shift: Today I heard another buzzword – “Steward-ownership”
6. My Background and Steward-ownership
Sounds pretty plausible, right? And what does that have to do with me? Well, my background is in Storytelling. I’m Alex, an independent filmmaker and owner of a modest video production company in Munich. I’m simply interested in the real stories – the ones with a touch of vulnerability, even in the corporate world. It actually works. Just watch how formats are evolving!
“Steward-ownership” (Verantwortungseigentum in German)– that’s the term I learned today at the Impact Hub in Munich. Sounds pretty slick. So, there’s still hope in this profit-driven world. A quick note for those who aren’t economic nerds: A company that practices ownership of responsibility isn’t owned by a single individual or by investors, but follows a clear, goal-oriented structure. Two principles:
7. Personal Development and Outlook
Now, you might ask, “Alex, all that sounds great, but do you really live this sustainability?” I try. Yes, it’s not always easy, because I also live in an urban setting… and the system isn’t green in practice yet. But it’s much more about the mindset, about the seed. I discovered mine in the jungle two years ago – the realization that something had to change, that I could and wanted to change – and since then, I have reframed my priorities in video storytelling and shifted my focus. And here we are…
I share with you thoughts on heart-brain coherence, quantum, the soul, and storytelling. And it’s really all quite simple:
?? What would love do in this situation? Use that question in every everyday scenario when you’re triggered, when you’re angry – right now there are enough triggers in the world.
And I’m definitely not a Zen monk yet. I have so many shadows I still need to work on – because I’m a post-Soviet kid, a migrant, and an introvert (INFJ). It’s an intense connection, and that’s why I tend to write long texts. Haha.
8. Conclusion and Outlook
So, that’s enough for now – thoughts shared. Have a great day.
Wait a minute… When will we finally see you on camera? Not so fast. I still need to practice looking into the lens. It’s so weird… I prefer speaking directly with people rather than in videos where you just talk – especially “talking-heads” or selfies – I’m still old-fashioned in that regard… But eventually, I guess – they call it “personal branding” these days – and if I want to film such stories about others, then I should show myself too, right? Probably. Sounds plausible. And maybe it’s simply doable for many of you as well. But you’re not me and I’m not you. Even though, in a way, we’re all connected…
So, take it easy, because I’m still an introvert figuring out how to do this compassionately toward my own feelings… damn, this comfort zone, oh, this mind…