The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, Sustainability Management and the Bar for Sustainability
All of that is coming up on this weeks ESG Show. It's going to be a jam-packed show as always with insights from two professors, and a doctor!
Is sustainability managed well is the main question? Is it effective enough? And is there an effective reporting framework available for organisations to measure their actions?
It's a timely show as Apple introduced their new promotional campaign last week with it based around Mother Nature and implementing environmentally sustainable actions.
Something we will also be discussing on the show and we'd love to hear your thoughts on this 'Marmite'-like campaign.
Environmental sustainability is the words on every organisations lips: but ESG does not mean just environmental sustainable.
It covers social and governance too - something we did not see mentioned in the Apple campaign.
Sustainability is necessary in many areas; as ESG the framework explains. There seems to be a very high bar to be 'sustainable' as an organisation, but is this accounting for all of ESG?
Without covering each aspect, then it isn't effective ESG, or effective sustainability. Are reporting frameworks reflective of this?
There are many questions to be answered. And myself, Dr. Biswaraj Ghosh, Ph.D. , Petra Molthan-Hill and Professor Kevin Haines will do our best to answer this all on The ESG Show this week on Wednesday 20th September at 1pm BST, 8am ET, 8pm SGT.
You can join us, for free, right here.
See you at the show,