Suspicious minds don't buy
Dear reader,
When it comes to hell-raising and all-out rock-n-roll shenanigans…
…few did it crazier than a certain member of Elvis Presley's entourage.
This blackout-prone, pants-optional lunatic made Hunter S. Thompson look like a Mormon youth pastor.
No, scratch that. That doesn’t do it justice.
Let me put it this way:?
If rock n roll debauchery were an Olympic event, this maniac wouldn’t just take home the gold - he’d snort it, light it on fire, and crash a Cadillac into the closing ceremony.
Alright, Kelvin, I get it - he was wild.
No. You don’t.
I’m telling you, this lunatic was full-blown, whiskey-soaked, lemur-on-amphetamines levels of unhinged.
Think Keith Moon, Ozzy Osbourne, and Louis C.K. - take their worst attributes, mash them together, and you get Scatter, a member of Elvis’s entourage.
I’m guessing the name “Scatter” came from what people did whenever he was in one of his moods.
Now, listen:
Just rattling off his antics could make the easily offended break out in hives.
Hmm. I wasn’t planning on going there, but I think I just talked myself into it.
Alrighty, here’s what this lunatic got up to - and I swear it’s all true. Look it up if you’ve got the nerve and audacity to question ol’ Papa Maverick.
So, Elvis, for reasons only a few thousand dollars in therapy could explain, would bring his pal Scatter to his movie sets. They’d kick back, smoke cigars, and drink whiskey between takes. No big deal, right? Just another Hollywood Tuesday during the '60s.
Then one day, a director goes up to Elvis, sweating bullets. He says, “Uh, Mr. Presley, Scatter just destroyed three dressing rooms, has been lifting the skirts of the female crew, and is now, uh, exposing himself and whacking off next to the craft services table… again!
Yes, everything you’ve heard is true, but let’s not gloss over one important detail: Scatter wasn’t just some drunk guy at a bar.
No. He was Elvis's pet chimp.
A chimp that could don a suit, chug whiskey, smoke cigars like a mob boss... and had absolutely no concept of personal space or social decency.
Now, if you’re scratching your head wondering what any of this has to do with sales or marketing - I don't blame you.
Frankly, I’m not sure there is a marketing lesson here unless it’s: don’t bring your pet chimp to your workplace.
But listen up:
If you do want some real, surprising sales and marketing gems from the life of Elvis Presley, then you're in for a real treat.
You see, the March issue is packed with little-known stories about The King, and... it’s got more sales and marketing gems than Elvis's bedside table had contraband.?
Below are a few of those gems:
*How ignoring your own industry can help you become more unique, innovative, and have more to offer. – page 17
*A criminally underrated sales and marketing strategy used by Elvis Presley every time he stepped foot on a Cadillac car dealership. (And how you can start applying this in your business the second you read about it. - page 16)
*The Elvis-Nixon sales strategy nobody talks about. (If you can start doing this inside your business, you’ll start to see your customer loyalty improve and word of mouth take off. – page 16)
*The not-so-secret Fools Gold Loaf "customer retention" secret that's overlooked by probably 9 out of 10 businesses.
To see how you can start getting these monthly issues shipped to your front door (or inbox), shimmy on over here:
Your friend,