The suspicions about women in Islam

The suspicions about women in Islam

First, what is radical Islam that prevents women from their rights in society?        

Islamic extremism, or radical Islam is a term used to refer to extremist beliefs and behaviors associated with the Islamic religion.

Women are deprived  from education because of radical Islam        

Are women really deprived of education except for religious education and up to a certain age, and then education stops after that due to the issue of mixing in most Arab Islamic countries that do not apply separation between males and females on university campuses?

The importance of education in Islam
Allah says

???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ???? " ???? ????? (3)

Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen. He taught man that which he knew not. Surah Al-Qalam (3)

This is the first noble verse revealed to our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, who was illiterate and could not read. The first Islamic command upon Muslims absolutely is (reading).

Allah says

????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? "

O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down, and let a scribe write between you with justice, and let no scribe refuse to write as God has taught him. So let him write, and let the one against whom the right is dictate. And let him pious God, his Lord.

It is not a condition that the woman be dependent on the man, meaning that if there is no man in a debt between two women, does the woman who owes money to another woman, wait to write its debt until a man is present? There is no embarrassment for Muslims in their religion, as this is stubbornness that only exists in truly closed societies.

Allah says

" ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? "

And pious God, and God will teach you. And God is Knowing of all things.

God Almighty linked learning (learning anything new) with pious in something, and the piety is the ultimate goal that a religious Muslim, whether male or female, aspires to.

Allah says

???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? " ???? ???????? (11)

God will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And God is Acquainted with what you do. (Surat Al-Mujadilah (11))

Allah, the Most High, did not differentiate between men and women in the matter of raising status on the Day of Judgment according to the degree of knowledge that the Muslim attains. The male is like the female, in confirmation of the saying of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Mother of the Believers, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Women are the sisters of men.” Narrated by Abu Dawood. The meaning of “the sisters of men,” as Ibn Manzur and Al-Manawi said, is that they are the counterparts of men and similar to them in morals, dispositions, and judgments.

This is a collection of the sayings of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about knowledge and scholars

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like my superiority over the lowest of you.” Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “God, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in its hole and even the fish send blessings upon the one who teaches people good.”

Even Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: “The best women are the women of the Ansar. Shyness did not prevent them from learning about religion.” The women said to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: “The men have overcome you, so set aside a day for us.” So he promised them a day in which he would meet them, preach to them, and command them.

As for his command, may God bless him and grant him peace, to teach writing, it was stated in this chapter:

He asked Al-Shifa bint Abdullah, the immigrant from Quraish, to teach Hafsa, the mother of the believers, writing.

Educated Muslim women in the first centuries examples

In the field of medicine and nursing, Rufaida became famous. She used to set up a tent for herself to treat the wounded in wars

Lady Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)

was among the most educated people in society. She was one of the most learned women of her time, and her knowledge of the Qur’an, Hadith, medicine, and Arab history exceeded that of most Muslim men of her time. She was one of the few people who narrated more than 2,000 Hadith.

Hisham bin Urwa said on the authority of his father

I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable in jurisprudence, poetry, or medicine than Aisha, may God be pleased with her.

Fatima al-Fihri

founded the world's first university: the University of Al-Qarawiyyin in Fez, Morocco. Founded in 859, Al-Qarawiyyin was the first university to award degrees.

Rufaydah Al-Aslamiyyah

(may Allah be pleased with her) The first nurse in Islam made a tremendous contribution to the field of science and medicine during the early days of Islam.

Khawlah bint Al-Azwar,

may God be pleased with her

Nusaybah bint Ka’b,

may God be pleased with her Among the many Muslim female warriors who were famous for their bravery among the Arabs

As for the issue of mixing in education

Sheikh Ibn Baz’s Fatwa on this matter

There is no doubt that this statement is a great crime against Islamic law, because the law did not call for mixing so that demanding its prohibition would be a violation of it. Rather, it prohibits it and is strict about it

Allah says

???????? ??? ???????????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ????? [???????:33]

And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance [Al-Ahzab: 33].

Allah says

??? ???????? ?????????? ???? ????????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????????????? ????????? ??????????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ????????? [???????:59]

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known. That is more suitable that they will be known and not abused. and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. [Al-Ahzab: 59]

In these noble verses there is clear evidence of

the legitimacy of women staying in their homes to avoid temptation, except for a need that calls for them to go out. Then God Almighty warned them against flaunting themselves in the manner of the Age of Ignorance, which is showing off their beauty and charms in front of men.

It was authentically reported that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said

I have not left behind me any trial more harmful to men than women. Agreed upon from the hadith of Usamah ibn Zayd, may God be pleased with him. Muslim included it in his Sahih on the authority of Usamah and Sa`id ibn Zayd ibn `Amr ibn Nufayl, may God be pleased with them both.

In Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri - may God be pleased with him - on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace:

He said: The world is sweet and green, and God has made you His successors in it, so He will see how you act. So beware of the world and beware of women, for the first trial of the Children of Israel was in women.

Therefore, the time for teaching is longer than the time for prayer

and because receiving knowledge from female teachers in a private place is safer for everyone and further from the causes of temptation for them, and safer for the young men from temptation by them, and because the isolation of the young men in the educational institutions from the girls, while being safer for them from temptation, is closer to their concern for their lessons and being occupied with them, and listening well to the teachers and receiving knowledge from them far from noticing the girls and being preoccupied with them, and exchanging poisonous looks and words calling for immorality.

But does a woman have to be educated? Of course yes, as mentioned above, but without mixing. We will not go into the ruling on women who mix in order to learn in Arab countries where mixing is permitted.

But read

(And if women grow up in illiteracy, men will nurse ignorance and laziness - who will raise women for them - in the East, the reason for that failure)

The polygamy for men while women are not even allowed to marry someone of their choice.        

The issue of polygamy is a very thorny issue in Islam. Some Arab Islamic countries have abolished it by law, as have foreign countries such as Tunisia. Some Islamic countries allow it and prefer it, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and others. It is something that is not liked by Muslim women, and some women consider it violence against women. Here are some reasons that led Islam to the issue of polygamy as a societal solution.

The polygamy, which Islam permitted, has been known in history in various forms before the mission of Muhammad by centuries and centuries, and these forms are as follows:
1 - The Sexual communism

Women are the property of all men in a society.

2 - The Polygamy

A known number of women are the right of a known number of men.

3 - The Monogamy with polyandry

The system allows a group of men to share one wife.

4 - The Monogamy with polygamy

This system allows a man to have more than one wife.

5 - The Monogamy with polyandry

This system does not allow a man to have more than one wife, and the same applies to a woman, while organizing and restricting it to four.

Many of the people of Africa, India, China and Japan, as it was practiced in ancient times by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era, the Hebrews and the Sicilians, and investigators from ethnographers such as the scientist and Strmac have stated that this principle of polygamy appeared clearly in civilized nations, unlike primitive nations that did not know anything about civilization and progress.

This type of marriage has benefits that Islam wants in societies

namely: Islam takes into account people’s needs and did not rush to prohibit it, thus closing doors and outlets for people. It did not encourage it or impose it as it imposed prayer, fasting, zakat, and Hajj. Rather, it left it up to the individual to act according to what its requirements dictate, while implementing the condition that restricted polygamy (justice and equality).

The polygamy system aims to

1 - organize sexual relations well in order to limit sexual chaos and frenzied vital deviations, yet it almost completely nullifies it as is evident in

Allah says

"???????(6) ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ??????"

“Marry (6) such women as seem good to you, two, three, or four; but if you fear not being just, then only one.”

2 - The number of women, both in ancient and modern times, exceeds the number of men in human societies in general, therefore, Islam took into account the urban aspect, and the evidence for that is that it is demographically established that human males, according to their nature, are more exposed than women to death at birth and in early childhood. In addition to this, men are exposed to wars and various disasters, In this case, the principle of polygamy becomes a social and moral obligation in the event of wars, in comparison to what may result from the numerical inflation of women in society in terms of prostitution and dissolution. There are numerous statistics that embody this deplorable appearance in America and Europe as a result of limiting one wife and neglecting the rest of the women.

3 - That the wife is sterile

Then there is no objection to him marrying a second wife if he wants to have children. This husband has only two options: either to separate from his first sterile wife, or to marry another woman. The latter is better for the protection of that sterile woman. There is no doubt that the sane sterile woman prefers polygamy to becoming homeless and losing her home.

5 - If the wife suffers from a chronic illness or disease that makes it impossible for her to exercise marital rights

with her husband, then the husband has two solutions: either he divorces her, which is not chivalrous at all, or he marries another woman to protect her, so that she can enjoy her rights as a wife.

6- That the husband has a sexual energy that does not allow him at all to be satisfied with one wife, especially since the woman is subject to exceptional circumstances such as menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum bleeding, and illness. Here, it is better to avoid falling into the forbidden act of marrying a second woman.

It is also a protection from social problems such as

A - Prostitution

B - Spinsters

C - The spread of illegitimate children

Islam has permitted four wives on the condition of justice

Otherwise, a man should limit himself to one wife only. The justice required by the Holy Qur’an is that it be in food and drink. Some have gone to extremes and required justice in love and affection, and this is something that an individual cannot guarantee for himself, because it is beyond his capacity and ability. God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to say when he was just between his wives: “O God, this is my division of what I own, so do not hold me accountable for what I do not own.” By this he meant his love for Lady Aisha, may God be pleased with her. God Almighty says in another verse:

Allah says

"??? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ????????"

“You will never be able to be equal between wives, even if you should strive to do so. So do not incline one completely [toward another] and leave one hanging.”

It is understood from this that some inclination is permissible without excess that leads to quarrels and fighting. Therefore, God concluded the verse by saying, urging the husband to reconcile between himself and the first wife.

Allah says

"??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????".

"And if you reform and fear Allah, then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful."

As for the woman not choosing her life partner, this is a slander and purely the personal actions of some extremist fathers and has nothing to do with Islam and its tolerance principle in this regard

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: ?Al Aiem (one who has no husband and the meaning here is: ho has been married) should not be married until she is asked for her permission, and a virgin should not be married until her permission is asked. They said: O Messenger of Allah, and how is her permission? He said: That she remains silent. Agreed upon.

In the other wording: The orphan girl is asked for permission, and her permission is silence. This indicates that the virgin, whether her father is present or she is an orphan, her permission is silence, which is sufficient; because she is shy, she may not say: what is contrary, so silence is sufficient. As for the one who has been married, her permission is necessary, she says: yes, or: no, permission is necessary.

A woman has half the legal capacity of a man in court or any place of sovereign authority, unlike a man who has full legal capacity        
According to a study published on the North American Menopause Association website

(NAMS), a woman's memory is not constant throughout her life, it decreases suddenly after menopause, but middle-aged women have better memories than men, but differently from men.

The second study

In another study published in the journal JNeurosci, it was found that women remember things differently than men. And her emotional memory is greater than that of a man, That is, you are affected emotionally and greatly while remembering the event, because the memory of the woman during her testimony depends on the type of recollection

The commenting

All this confirms that the presence of another woman while giving testimony will have a good impact on the quality of the testimony and the accuracy of the information that she will provide..because the second woman Often times she will not have the same emotional effects on herself. This enables the judge to make intersections between the testimony of the first woman and the testimony of the second woman in order to find out the truth.

The third study

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a major study of 949 male and female brains. Researchers found that women are better than men at multitasking thinking because they use both parts of the brain as they are for issues that need to be focused, on one issue the man is superior to the woman because he uses only one part of the brain, as scientists at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School say, from the results of this study, Dr. Robin Gore says: The results were shocking when we saw these amazing differences between the brains of males and females, But they are complementary to each other, but what is important is that women have a higher capacity than men for social tasks while men are distinguished by their superior ability to work that requires specific focus, such as command and control.

We conclude from the following

Since a woman uses her emotions while remembering, and since a woman suffers from memory problems immediately after menopause, and since a woman uses both halves of her brain to remember, which means she can focus less, for the sake of all of this, God eases the burden of shahada on a woman and her honor by allowing her to seek advice from another woman to complete the shahada, In order not to be controlled by men, he made this obligatory, i.e. the testimony of a single woman is not accepted. Except in special cases, such as the testimony of the wife against her husband and cases of chastity and honor, so do we say after these facts that Islam insulted women and degraded them?

Muslims mutilate female genitalia        

They mean circumcision and that the parents impose it on the little girl without her knowledge. Here are the scientific details

The Circumcision of a newborn:

cutting off part of his genitals.

The circumcision is the cutting of the foreskin (the head of the penis), and circumcision may refer to the same place that is cut off, and from it they say that if the two circumcisions meet, they must perform ghusl and dowry.

in boys

Cut the foreskin lashes

in girls

Cut some high lashes overlooking the vulva

The Scientific description of female circumcision

Female genital mutilation or circumcision, or what is known as the legal Sunni circumcision of girl, prepucectomy is the process of cutting the skin of the foreskin that covers the head of the clitoris only for those in need of circumcision, this type of circumcision was not prohibited by the World Health Organization (WHO), There is an explicit definition of it in some of the organization's previously published books. However, in recent years, this circumcision has been combined with the first type (Type I) of female genital mutilation (FGM), under the pretext that its practice by Muslims is incorrect.

As for what is called female genital mutilation or pharaonic circumcision, it is divided into four types: It is the amputation or removal of part of the female genital organs, Complete or partial removal, for cultural, religious or other reasons. The United Nations declared February 6 as the "International Day for the Rejection of Female Genital Mutilation".

The World Health Organization found in 2008 (pp. 5-7) the reasons for this operation

customs and traditions

religious requirements


family honour



Virginity protection

Increase the sexual pleasure of the husband

Giving a sense of belonging to a group

Enhance fertility and increase chances of marriage

However, these reasons do not necessarily mitigate the negative effects of FGM.

Explain the process of female circumcision and its types

FGM is classified into four main types.

Cut off the clitoris

Partial or total removal of the clitoris (the clitoris is a small, sensitive, and prominent part of the female genitalia) and in very rare cases only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris) is removed.


Total or partial removal of the clitoris and labia minora, with or without removal of the labia majora (the labia are the outer fold of skin of the vagina).

Surgical excision

Narrowing of the vaginal opening by creating a hood plug. The plug is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner or outer labia, with or without excision of the clitoris.

All other practices

All other harmful procedures performed on the female genitalia for non-medical reasons, such as pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, and cauterizing these organs.

For the length of the topic and the discussion of it from a psychological perspective, relationships, religious aspects, and the opinion of some sheikhs and doctors... please refer to this link if you are interested in knowing about this matter


Why is it not allowed to shake hands between men and women in Islam?        

First: the religious aspect

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi saw it

The permissibility of shaking hands when forced and safe from sedition, as if a man starts and extends his hand, but a woman does not have the right to initiate it. It is better for a Muslim man or woman to refrain from shaking hands in any case, because those who say that it is forbidden are the majority of the nation, and they have strong evidence, It is possible for the compelled of them to imitate those who said that it is permissible in the narrowest limits. Before entering into the research and discussion, I would like to extract two images from the field of dispute.

The first: the prohibition of shaking hands with a woman

if it is associated with sexual desire and pleasure on the part of one of the two parties: the man or the woman, or if there is fear of temptation from behind it in most cases, This is because blocking the pretext for corruption is obligatory, especially if its signs appear, and its causes are prepared. what confirms this is what the scholars mentioned, that if a man touches one of his female tissues, or is alone with her, which is from the permissible section in the first place, it moves to the circle of inviolability if desire is stirred, or sedition is feared, (See: Al-Ikhtiyar Li’l-Mukhtar in Hanafi Fiqh 4/155), especially with the case of the wife’s daughter, mother-in-law, father’s wife, or breast-feeding sister, who do not have in their souls what the mother, daughter, sister, aunt, aunt, or the like.

The Conclusion

It's forbidden in one word

For a handshake between the sexes if it is accompanied by lust and enjoyment, or if it is feared that this will happen, then there is no disagreement about its prohibition on the difference between the scholars, Scholars differed concerning what is forbidden and permitted, and the majority of scholars, including the four schools, or rather the eight, are on the prohibition without distinguishing between embarrassment, or anything else. or lust or something else.

Second: the scientific aspect

The first study

Social chemical signals are part of human behavior, but how chemical signals are transmitted from one individual to another is unknown. To ask whether a handshake is used to sample specific social chemical signals, we secretly filmed 271 subjects within a structured greeting event either with or without a handshake.

We found that humans are most likely to switch between the sexes after shaking hands

They Sniff Their Right Hand, and Selectively Increase This Behavior After a handshake, subjects increased their right-handed handshake sniffers by more than 100%. In contrast, after shaking hands, the two sexes sniffed their left hand the subjects increased the sniffing of their left, non-shaking hand by more than 100%, smearing participants with a non-observable odor significantly altered the effects, thus validating their olfactory nature. Thus, handshakes may functionally serve active but subliminal social chemical cues, which likely play a large role in ongoing human behavior.

The second study

Oxytocin levels rise with holding hands, and hugging - especially together with a therapeutic massage. The cuddle hormone makes us feel close to each other.

Sociologists have shown in many studies over the years that supportive touch can have good results in a number of different areas. Consider the following examples: If a teacher touches a student on the back or arm, that student is more likely to engage the class. The more athletes in the Big Five or hug their teammates, the better their game. Touch makes patients love their doctors more. If you touch a bus driver, he will most likely let you board for free. If the waitress touches the customer's arm or shoulder, she may get a larger tip

But why does a friendly or supportive touch have such comprehensive and positive effects?

What is going on in our brains and bodies that explains this magic?

deep skin

To understand this, we'll start from the outside - with the skin. It's our largest member, covering about 20 square feet, and is about the size of a twin mattress.

If someone touches you, there is pressure pressing against your skin at the point of contact. Beneath the skin are pressure receptors called pachynotic corpuscles, says Tiffany Field, a leading touch researcher and director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami in Florida.

The signals of the basinian corpuscles go directly to an important nerve bundle deep in the brain called the vagus nerve. The vagus is sometimes called the "wanderer" because it has branches that run all over the body to several internal organs, including the heart. The vagus nerve slows down the heart and lowers blood pressure.

Field describes studies in which subjects were asked to perform something stressful, such as public speaking or taking a timed math test. The subjects' partners were also part of the experiment, hugging or holding hands when the researchers asked them to do so.

"They found, in fact, that people who were given this stressful task, if they were holding hands or cuddling, had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates, indicating that they were less stressed," Field says.

The Hijab: This garment that leads people to believe that Islam oppresses women        

February 1st of each year World Hijab Day (WHD) was started in 2013, in recognition of the millions of Muslim women who chose to wear the hijab and live a modest life

The Hijab under the perspective of the psychology

It's impact on the society

People use clothing as a way to express their personality, interests, and much more. As stated by William James, an

American philosopher and psychologist,

“The human person is composed of three parts

( soul,body, and clothes)

In Judaism

This statement speaks to the fact that a person’s true personality canbe shown through clothing. Often, this is shown through an individual’s

religious standpoint. In Judaism, there are specific laws called tznius that

dictate how to dress modestly. (Women in North America’s Religious World).

These laws are clearly evident in the clothes that religious Jews wear. Women

must have their knees, shoulders, elbows, and collarbones covered in order to

follow the laws of dressing tznius. Men were a yarmulke (also known as a keepa)

and tzitzit (a prayer shaul) to show their modesty and devotion to G-d.

Although it’s not common to see someone dressed in this manner (it also depends

on where on lives), religious groups continue to present themselves in a modest

fashion, regardless of how the rest of the world views them.

In Islam

there are also rules that dictate modesty indress, which are called hijab. The definition of hijab is “to cover” Dress Code of Muslim Women), and many Muslim women choose to cover their hair in order to

follow the law of modesty. Moreover, this shows their devotion to their

religion, and their devotion to themselves. Instead of choosing to dress like

Abercrombie & Fitch mannequins or models, Muslim men and women dress

according to what they believe in, and something that they clearly value.

while people don't need to wear ankle-length skirts to show their values

the act of modesty allows people to recognize you for your personality and beliefs, and not just appearance.

People can be shamed and made fun of for whatever they wear, but choosing to dress in

modest clothing gives a person character and the ability to show their values.


choosing to dress in modest clothing can allow one the opportunity todisplay his or her values and self-worth, as well as give one much more

confidence by not completely exposing oneself. While society may try to force

someone to dress a specific way, it is essential to always stay true to what is

most important for an individual, and not have what’s trending interfere with


Second: the benefits of wearing modest clothes

Conclusions and Implications

As an important value, modesty affects how people dress themselves.However, with the change of social environment and the popularity of idealized

body image in media, the role of modesty has changed in the modern society.

Whether it is brought to popular attention by its absence, as in provocative

dress or unrealistic idealized images of the female, or by its presence, as

seen in the rising number of retailers trying to market this value in the

modest cloth, modesty remains to be a topic that influences consumers, both as

a value and a motivator.

The findings of the study suggest

religion does affect consumers’ choice of a more conservative definition of modesty. Participants with a more active religious

life and those with conservative mindset were more likely to choose more

traditional norms when it comes to clothing and fashion goods. Furthermore, younger people may be more likely to focus on

trendy fashion. For them, being modest may not be that important.The findings

suggest that although we live in a society where, “skin sells best” there are

some consumers really treasure the value of modesty when they shop for

clothing. Especially with the current economic downturn, more people turn to

sustainable lifestyle. At the same time, the fashion industry has been focusing

more on green fashion and sustainability. So, the value of modesty may become

more important for today’s consumers.

The conclusion

The results of the study are important because they clearly demonstrate a weak negative relationship between clothing preferences/affiliations and eating disorders.

Fourth: The modesty and men

The reasonable expectations

Now reasonable is an important word. Women cannot be expected to take unreasonable measures to protect men in this regard.

Men are attracted by a LOT of things and invisibility is not reasonable or

possible to demand of women. Hence, men must also develop self discipline,

custody of the eyes and careful discretion. It is a usual fact that self

discipline increases over time and we who are men OUGHT to be growing in this

and not just indulge our every thought and desire and be stuck in lust.

Progress in this matter is to be insisted upon.

Political incorrectness alert!

In the end life is not always fair and modesty issues are simply going to weigh more heavily on women. This is for two reasons


women have more to cover. It is simply a fact that the female

body, at least in our culture, has more of what we can simply term here as

private areas. These areas arouse significant sexual interest in men and

however much we may want that to change in a big way, it probably isn’t going

to dramatically change. Secondly since men are more easily tempted in these

matters, it seems reasonable that women ought to take this into account. Surely

we can only expect what is reasonable, but prudence and charity ought to be

operative in such matters.

Why dressing modesty is so important?

1- Dressing modestly is a moral imperative

Often, in secular culture, morality is left to the viewer. However, ethical and value considerations are important and must be taken into account when building a healthy society.

2- Dressing modestly may improve your performance

According to psychology researchers Adam and Galinsky, “Existing research points to a fundamental principle of clothing-related cognition—that it relies on both the formal meaning and the physical experience of wearing clothing… In Experiment 1, physically wearing a lab coat increased selective attention compared to not wearing a lab coat. In Experiments 2 and 3, wearing a lab coat described as a doctor’s coat increased sustained attention compared to wearing a lab coat described as a painter’s coat” (Adam and Galinsky, 2012).

In another 2019 study

Cheng Wu found that modesty was associated with increased subjective well-being or happiness and decreased depression. The study results indicate that “humility, often defined as a goal-directed self-presentational behavior, is highly beneficial for regulating behavioral health, self-efficacy, interpersonal relationships, and group performance… These findings suggest an important role for humility in promoting well-being.”

together, these studies suggest the potential benefits that modesty may have on our well-being and performance.

3- Dressing modestly has practical implications

Dressing modestly also has numerous practical implications. For one, having modest clothing provides effective sun-protection that reduces chances of obtaining skin cancer and other sun-related illnesses. In fact, in Linos et al, 2011, researchers found shade and protective clothing to be more effective than sunscreen. There are many light weight fabrics designed for breathability on the hot summer days. For colder days, dressing modestly can easily be a remedy for dressing warmer. Wearing heavy tight-knit layered fabrics are the key to staying warm during the cold winter months (or days if you live in Florida).

Also, dressing modestly is easy to move

in and makes everyday activities easier to complete. According to one anonymous blogger from the 2020 feminista journal article regarding the ethics of modest fashion, "Modest clothing is often more comfortable and easy to get around in. Revealing clothing is often tight, which can be uncomfortable and restrictive". In other words, modest fashion accommodates for an active life-style.

On the other hand

over the past 43 years, people have lost their lives for not wearing the hijab. In Afghanistan, the Taliban impose strict rules on the hijab on Afghan women. So in these places, the hijab is a form of oppression for women. At the same time, there are also women who feel that it is part of their identity and a way to express themselves, Taliban's brutal rule did not become noticeable to the West until after 9/11. The fact that the Taliban had been brutalizing the people of Afghanistan for four years by 2001, as activists unsuccessfully campaigned for Western support, is telling.

Now... Why Does the West Hate the Muslim Hijab?

In the European Union

According to a March 2022 report by the Open Society Justice Initiative, a group of human rights lawyers, such bans came into effect after U.S. policymakers declared a global war on terror in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, raising suspicions about Muslims because of their dress. “The idea that Muslims as a group are the new enemy within, and that their beliefs and practices reflect values and standards that are inferior to those prevailing in Europe, has gained legitimacy across the political spectrum,” the report’s authors wrote.

Many countries have banned the hijab in European Union countries

the first of which is France. In July 2021, the European Court of Justice ruled that women could be fired from their jobs for refusing to remove the hijab if they worked in a job dealing with the public.

So what are the reasons behind the West’s hatred, banning and verbal abuse of hijab wearers?

1 - The ban on wearing any visible form of political, philosophical or religious expression in the workplace may be justified by the employer’s need to present a neutral image to customers or to prevent social conflicts.

2- Promoting equality among employees

3- Allowing employees to show their religious beliefs through clothing would compromise the principle of neutrality

4- It may create a hostile environment for those who do not share the same beliefs.

5- Supporting the secular system in the country: For example, in France: The French Senate approved a clause prohibiting minors from wearing the hijab in public places

6- They claim that everyone has the right to express themselves in the way they choose, including through their choice of clothing, without fear of discrimination or persecution.

There is a story that has recently been raised in scientific field

specifically in the United States of America. There was a girl who was doing her doctorate in a very important field of research, and she had great results in her field. She was corresponding with a professor in the United States who was very impressed by her work and appreciated it. Then when she had to travel to discuss the thesis, she told him that she was veiled with brq3, He was surprised, but he was just and said to her, “Your head covering does not prevent me from being amazed by your mind and the brilliance of the doctorate that you are presenting.”

The question here is

How many fair professors in the West, and how many girls or women with a wonderful mind under a veil that they believe in and are proud of, have lost their jobs or lost their field of education in which they excelled greatly?

Why does a widow woman  observe 50 full days of waiting?        

Quoted from Muslim scholars

Recent studies have shown that a man's water contains 62 types of protein, and that this water varies from one man to another. Every man has an imprint in his wife's womb, If she marries another man immediately after the divorce, there is a high probability that the woman will develop uterine cancer due to entering more than one different fingerprint in the womb... (ph problems).

Scientific research has also proven that

the first menstruation after a woman’s divorce removes from 32% to 35% of the fingerprint, and the second menstruation removes from 67% to 72% of the man’s fingerprint, and the third menstruation removes 99.9 percent of the man’s fingerprint, and here the uterus has It was cleared of the previous imprint and prepared to receive another imprint.

Research has also proven that

the woman whose husband has died goes through a period of grief, which delays the period of purification of her womb, so she needs a fourth cycle in order to remove the fingerprint permanently, and in the amount that God Almighty said about him: {four months and ten days} Glory be to Him, who created, arranged and then Fahda appreciated.

Quoted from global sites

The first study

Sperm 'Fingerprint' Found

Researchers have determined the genetic fingerprint of healthy humansperm — an advance that could be a major step forward in understanding maleinfertility.

The second study

Semen secrets: How a previous sexual partner caninfluence another male's offspring

Scientists have discovered a new form ofnon-genetic inheritance, showing for the first time that offspring can resemblea mother's previous sexual partner -- in flies at least. Researchersmanipulated the size of male flies and studied their offspring. They found thatthe size of the young was determined by the size of the first male the mothermated with, rather than the second male that sired the offspring.

The idea of telegony -- that a male can leave amark on his mate's body that influences her offspring to a different male --originated with the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It was a concern to royalty inthe 1300s and still popular as a scientific hypothesis in the 1800s butrejected in the early 1900s as incompatible with the new science of genetics.

The third study

Biological Evidence Management for DNA Analysisin Cases of Sexual Assault

Finally, it is important to highlight all stepsthat any forensic medical expert should be aware of in the management ofevidence for DNA analysis: Sexual assault history and the physical observationwhich should guide the examiner for evidence collection (e.g., victim'sactivities between the sexual contact and the examination, victim's gender andage, and type of evidence).

The consanguineous marriage between science and religion        

The consanguineous marriage in Islam Marriage between relatives is not explicitly forbidden in Islam, nor is it encouraged, as it leaves people to choose what is most appropriate for them, perhaps this approach confirms what modern medicine has reached on this subject, which is that consanguineous marriage is... Not harmful at all, it may be useful, In the event of a high level of intelligence, beauty, and strength in the family, and therefore saying that marriage between relatives is harmful, even though Islam permits it, is a statement that lacks scientific validity.

Some examples of consanguineous marriage in Islam

Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) married Fatima Al-Zahra (peace be upon her)

and he is the cousin of the Messenger, may God bless him, his family, and his companions, as is clear, The Messenger married his paternal aunt’s daughter, Zainab bint Jahsh

The positive aspects of consanguineous marriage

If the family has desirable genetic factors that are not in other families, such as characteristics of beauty, intelligence, strength, longevity, etc. the marriage between relatives is better than marriage between strangers, provided that the marriage is not between relatives and lasts for a generation so that families do not turn into small closed communities, which proves that it is genetically harmful, and thus the chances of marriage between relatives and distant relatives are equal in these cases, whether one or the other. May God bless him and grant him peace, he commanded us, By choice, as he said: “Choose for your sperm,” and choice in our time is based on genetic counseling.

The negative aspects of consanguineous marriage are not sacrificing one generation for the sake of another

To clarify this point, we assume that in society marriage is only between relatives. In this case, we find that the percentage of presence of disease genes in this society, It will increase in the offspring of this generation as a result of not getting rid of these disease genes, as their closeness is in a dual or rare case, the result is that as generations pass, the presence of these disease genes in society will increase, this leads to a steady increase in the emergence of hereditary diseases, these genes control it in future generations, such as pancreatic cirrhosis.

God permitted the Messenger to marry

the daughters of a paternal uncle, paternal uncle, and maternal uncle, who was one of the lowest ranks, so I knew that this was permissible, but the ruling changed from permissibility to hatred, or something more severe than that, if there is a reason that changes the permissibility to other things, as evidence of health damage, family disintegration, or social instability among relatives and surrogates.

The religious response to consanguineous marriage

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged the qualities on which a man should choose his wife, He did not mention to her that the wife is a stranger and is not related to her because of lineage, rather, the request for delay should be from righteous people and specialists.

Allah says

?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??????…” (???????: 50)

O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their dowries and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has bestowed upon you and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts…” (Al-Ahzab: 50)

This verse is a middle ground between excess and negligence, because Christians do not marry a woman unless the lineage between them and her grandparents is seven or more, and for Jews, one of them marries his brother’s daughter and his sister’s daughter, this pure and complete law came to destroy the excess of Christians, so it permitted the daughter of , paternal uncle, and maternal aunt’s daughter, and prohibited what the Jews left behind. In any case, marriage between relatives is permitted in the first place, provided that social and health conditions are taken into account, in each case, without comparison to others, with a medical examination and marriage examinations conducted before its conclusion.

The refuting the validity of the topic

The increase in the incidence of genetic diseases in offspring resulting from recessive genetic factors in both parents, It does not depend on inbreeding in any way, but depends mainly on the extent of the spread of the recessive genetic factor among members of the population as a whole, If more than 1:8 is prevalent in the community; Marrying distant people is no guarantee of having genetically healthy children, we understand from this that some genetic diseases appear in offspring in societies where recessive genetic factors are widespread among its members, the prevalence is about 1:8 equal to the ratio of its occurrence in offspring in both inbreeding and mixed mating, there is another assumption if the prevalence of the recessive genetic factor in the community is more than 12% and the family in this community is genetically pure, In this case, marriage between relatives in this family is much better and safer than intermarriage.

The examples of these diseases include

sickle cell anemia: If the recessive genetic factor is restricted to members of a particular family more than to members of the population around them, then intermarriage is preferable to inbreeding.

But if the opposite is true

and the members of the family are genetically pure, and the members of the community around them are prevalent in the recessive genetic factor, then in this case consanguineous marriage is safer and more secure than intermarriage, for example, in some areas of Italy and Sicily, the recessive genetic factor for sickle cell anemia is present in community members at a rate of up to 10%, and the percentage is higher in other communities, such as some areas of Kenya, where the percentage reaches 40% in community members. If we assume that a family and its members immigrated They are genetically pure from this genetic factor... Isn’t marriage between relatives better than marriage between distant people?

The conclusion

The study revealed that social dysfunction was very common among SKUMS students and that mental health problems tended not to occur as frequently in children of consanguineous parents compared to children of non-consanguineous parents. These findings suggest that mental health problems may not have a recessive or polygenic inheritance pattern.

What is taken into consideration: Pre-marital examination

One of the important matters is the medical examination of married couples before marriage to determine the impact of marriage on the future of the children and the family in general. Among the requirements for marriage are the contract in Qatar and the examination before marriage, and this is what all the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have adopted, and this is what we wish for all Arab and Islamic countries, and with this examination the individual can correct many matters that are difficult to correct after marriage.

For more details, please for:


The end        

Thank you


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