Sushvin Consultancy Services Medical Devices Industry Updates Newsletter October 2023
Sushvin Consultancy Services
QA/RA Global Medical Device Consultancy - QMS - MDR -IVDR- ISO 13485 -SaMD- CE Marking - Global registrations- UKRP-UKCA
Sushvin Consultancy Services has undertaken an initiative to start a monthly newsletter since April 2023 to provide latest updates from pharmaceutical and medical devices industry.?
This will enable us to educate industry participants of latest happening, changes or updates to standards, guidance’s and regulations. As a part of this initiative, this month’s newsletter will cover updates from medical devices industry for the month of October 2023.
#europeancommission #mhra #usfda #swissmedic #sushvin #ukresponsibleperson #newsletter #medicaldevicenewsletter #compliance #RA #QA #QARA #consultancy #audits #notifiedbody #eumdr #euivdr #ukmdr #who #iec #hpra #cdsco #npra #mda
There have been few updates in the month of October 2023. These are as follows:
World Health Organisation (WHO) Updates
The publication is not guidance or policy but is intended as a resource for relevant stakeholders in medical devices ecosystems, including manufacturers who design and develop AI-embedded medical devices, regulators in the process of identifying approaches to manage and facilitate AI systems, and health practitioners who wish to use medical devices and AI systems in clinical practice.
The WHO acknowledges that with the rapid deployment of AI, the use of AI technology in healthcare also presents significant challenges.? There may be a lack of understanding of how complex AI technologies work (i.e. the ‘black box’ problem) with a potential for patients to be harmed.? AI technologies, especially those that use machine learning processes, are vulnerable to biases present in the model itself and the training data.?? Further, AI technologies used in healthcare often have access to sensitive personal data.? There is therefore a need to effectively safeguard and manage this data, as well as the use for which AI is deployed.?
To manage these risks the WHO outlines six key considerations for the regulation of AI in healthcare:
—???? Documentation and transparency
—???? Risk management and artificial intelligence systems development lifecycle approach
—???? Intended use and analytical and clinical validation
—???? Data quality
—???? Privacy and data protection
—???? Engagement and collaboration
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Updates
IEC 60601-2-50:2020+AMD1:2023 CSV
Consolidated version
Edition?????? 3.1
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant phototherapy equipment
IEC 60601-2-50:2020+AMD1:2023 applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of INFANT PHOTOTHERAPY EQUIPMENT, as defined in 201.3.203, also referred to as ME EQUIPMENT. If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME EQUIPMENT only, or to ME SYSTEMS only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME EQUIPMENT and to ME SYSTEMS, as relevant.
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
EU Updates
This rolling plan contains a list of key activities that the Commission has carried out or intends to carry out in preparation for the implementation of Regulation 2021/2282 on Health Technology Assessment (the “HTAR”). The plan is subject to regular review to provide national authorities and stakeholders with the most updated information.
The HTAR entered into force on January 11, 2022. It will be applicable as of January 12, 2025.
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 9 November 2025.
However, manufacturers may already before that date assign a Master UDI-DI in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 as amended by this Regulation.
Guidance on MDSW intended to work in combination with hardware or hardware components
Through the provision of information and/or signals, these hardware or hardware components play an essential role in contributing to the medical purpose of certain MDSW. It is important to consider how the manufacturer of the MDSW has to demonstrate conformity with the applicable regulatory requirements for the combination of the MDSW and the concerned hardware or hardware components.
This guidance intends to examine and provide clarifications on which specific regulatory considerations apply when the hardware or hardware component incorporating the data collection element (camera, electrical/optical sensors etc.) are a medical device or an accessory to a medical device. This guidance also outlines scenarios where the hardware or hardware component incorporating a data collection element are not medical devices or accessories to a medical device. This guidance does not intend to elaborate on aspects related to the clinical evaluation or cybersecurity for these products, as those are tackled in other guidance.
Notified Bodies that have jointly committed to this call to action give the following recommendations to device manufacturers:
—???? Contact a notified body of your choice that has been designated to carry out the conformity assessment for the types of devices you have in your portfolio without any further delay. You can find the scope of notified bodies on the NANDO website.
—???? Prepare the application making use of the forms, tools, and guidance available and submit them to the notified body on time, including best practice guidance documents representing the views of notified bodies:
Determining whether a given product falls under the definition of a medical device and the application of the classification rules fall within the competence of the authorities of the Member States where the product is on the market. However, when different interpretations of EU legislation occur, public health may be put at risk and the internal market distorted. As both are matters of concern to the Member States and the Commission, it essential to facilitate a dialogue among regulators. Appropriate participation of various stakeholders should also be ensured.
The aspects concerning the borderline between medical devices and other types of products, also known as qualification of a product, are generally governed by Article 4 Regulatory status of products of the MDR and the corresponding Article 3 of the IVDR. Borderline cases are those for which it is not clear from the outset whether a given product is a medical device, or an in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD), or not. Various paragraphs under Article 1 Subject matter and scope of both Regulations are also relevant. They exclude certain types of products from the scope of the Regulations. Where a given product does not fall within the definition of medical device or is excluded from their scope, other EU or national legislation may be applicable. This Manual will however not provide indications to that effect.
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
The UK government Added List of Accredited Units in this guidance:
Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), Ireland Updates
HPRA also introduced certificate expiry dates as outlined in the link below.
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
USFDA Updates
The intent of this guidance is to clarify for drug sponsors and other stakeholders how considerations about a drug’s benefits, risks, and risk management options factor into certain premarket and postmarket regulatory decisions that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) makes about new drug applications (NDAs) submitted under section 505(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) as well as biologics license applications (BLAs) submitted under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act). This guidance first articulates important considerations that factor into the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research’s (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research’s (CBER) benefit-risk assessments, including how patient experience data can be used to inform the benefit-risk assessment. It then discusses how sponsors can inform FDA’s benefit-risk assessment through the design and conduct of a development program, as well as how they may present benefit and risk information in the marketing application.
This guidance is being distributed for comment purposes only. Submit Comments by December 12th 2023.
This guidance discusses certain quality considerations for ophthalmic drug products (i.e., solutions, suspensions, emulsions, gels, ointments, and creams) intended for topical delivery in and around the eye. Specifically, the guidance discusses:
—???? Approaches to evaluating visible particulate matter, extractables and leachables, and impurities and degradation products.
—???? Use of in vitro drug release/dissolution testing as an optional quality control strategy for certain ophthalmic dosage forms.
—???? Recommendations for design, delivery, and dispensing features of container closure systems (CCSs).
—???? Recommendations for stability studies.
Recent Updates:
Language alignment with MDSAP P0003
Renaming of "REPS" to generic IT platform
Clarification on quality objectives in Box document
The intent of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) is the development, management and oversight of a single audit program that will allow a single regulatory audit conducted by a recognized auditing organization to satisfy the needs of multiple regulatory jurisdictions. MDSAP RA’s have established the processes and procedures for participating regulatory authorities to recognize and monitor auditing organizations and their auditors. MDSAP QMS will allow for the leveraging of regulatory resources to manage an efficient, effective, and sustainable single audit program focused on the oversight of medical device manufacturers’ quality management systems. The single audit of a medical device manufacturer’s quality management system will include the assessment of design and development (where appropriate), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), adverse event reporting, and other applicable requirements of the participating regulatory authorities.
Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff – Final Guidance Document
This guidance provides the standards for the submission of premarket notification (510(k)) submissions by electronic format, a timetable for establishment of these standards, and criteria for waivers of and exemptions from the requirements to meet a statutory requirement. This guidance is also intended to represent one of several steps in meeting FDA’s commitment to the development of electronic submission templates to serve as guided submission preparation tools for industry to improve submission consistency and enhance efficiency in the review process. As of October 1, 2023, FDA will require that 510(k) electronic submissions be provided as described in this guidance.
Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff
This guidance is being distributed for comment purposes only. Submit Comments by November 28th 2023.
FDA is issuing this draft guidance document to introduce submitters of De Novo requests to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health and Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research to the current resources and associated content developed and made publicly available to support De Novo electronic submissions to FDA. This draft guidance is intended to represent one of several steps in meeting FDA’s commitment to the development of electronic submission templates to serve as guided submission preparation tools for industry to improve submission consistency and enhance efficiency in the review process. When finalized, this guidance will provide further standards for the submission by electronic format, a timetable for establishment of these further standards, and criteria for waivers of and exemptions from the requirements.
According to the presentation in the link above: ‘’Proposed Rule Medical Devices; Quality System Regulation Amendments 21 CFR 820’’, the FDA is working on the following:
—???? Updating technology systems
—???? Training on personnel
—???? Replace current inspection approach, Quality System Inspection Technique (QSIT)
—???? Revise [and/or develop] relevant regulations, policies, procedures, and other documents impacted by this rulemaking
—???? Education and Communication
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746?
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Swissmedic, Switzerland Updates
Training documents according to the most recently approved RMP are considered to be information required by therapeutic products legislation.
The classification of training material according to the most recently approved RMP has been clarified in the guidance document.
Training documents according to the most recently approved RMP are now considered to be “information required by therapeutic products legislation”. The form has been amended accordingly. The materials to be submitted for other training materials classified as “additional information” have been clarified.
The revised Mobile technologies guidance document and form are valid with effect from 1 October 2023.
New requirements for product groups without an intended medical purpose and alignment with Regulation (EU) 2023/607 on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
The Federal Council has decided to amend the Medical Devices Ordinance (MedDO) to improve the safety of products without an intended medical purpose?(media release dated 29 September 2023). Switzerland has adapted its MedDO for these products in line with the EU requirements (Implementing Regulation 2023/1194) taking into account the new transitional periods. The required amendments to the MedDO have been approved and will enter into force on 1 November 2023.
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), India Updates
—???? Updated list of IVD Medical Devices placed at Annexure A (Updated), Annexure B (Updated), Annexure C, Annexure D (added), Annexure E (added)
—???? It has been decided that, in case if an existing importer/manufacturer who is already importing/manufacturing any of the Class C or Class D Medical Devices, has submitted application to Central Licensing Authority, for grant of import/ manufacturing licence in respect of the said device(s) under the provisions of Medical Devices Rules, 2017, the said application shall be deemed valid and the importer/manufacturer can continue to import/manufacture the said device(s) up to six months from the date of issue of this order or till the time, the Central Licensing Authority, takes a decision on the said application, whichever is earlier.
National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia, Malaysia
This “DRUG REGISTRATION GUIDANCE DOCUMENT (DRGD)” will serve as the reference guide for the registration process including quality control, inspection & licensing and post-registration activities of medicinal products.
This DRGD shall be read in conjunction with the current laws and regulations together with other relevant legislations, where applicable, governing pharmaceutical and natural products for human use in Malaysia, which include but are not limited to the following:
—???? Sale of Drugs Act 1952;
—???? Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984;
—???? Dangerous Drugs Act 1952;
—???? Poisons Act 1952;
—???? Medicines (Advertisement & Sale) Act 1956;
—???? Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 (Laws of Malaysia Act 716); and
—???? International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686).
The written laws shall take precedence over this guidance document in any event of discrepancy.
Medical Device Authority (MDA), Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Effective 1st October 2023, please be informed that a Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) will only be issued for registered medical devices, following the announcement made by Chief Executive of MDA during MDA High Performance Project on 7th June 2023.
With this move MDA ceases the issuance of CFS for export only medical devices under the Circular Letter of Medical Device Authority No. 4 Year 2018.
Instead, MDA will issue an Export Certificate for establishment who wishes to export the export only medical device from Malaysia as part of the process to register or import a product into that country. The issuance of Export Certificate is not a mandatory requirement under the Act 737 rather it is a service to facilitate the export of medical devices from Malaysia.
CFS for Export Only (CFS-EO) medical devices that have been issued before effective date of Export Certificate is valid until the expiration date of the certificate.
Sushvin Provides UK Responsible Person (UK RP) Services
Are you a legal medical device/IVD manufacturer located outside the UK and would like to market your product in the UK, then you will require a UK responsible person who will act on behalf of the manufacturer to ensure all the responsibilities detailed within the updated UK MDR 2002 regulations are met.
As a legal manufacturer, organisations will have to register their devices prior to be placed on the UK market.
If you need UK Responsible Person (UK RP) services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.
Sushvin Provides PRRC (Person Responsible For Regulatory Compliance) Services
If you are planning to market your product in the EU and if you require PRRC (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance), we have a team of experienced regulatory professionals who can help you assist with PRRC services and get you regulatory compliant as per MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746
If you need PRRC Services, please contact SUSHVIN for more information.