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Susannah Cole
Property Investor, Property YouTuber 2 million+ views. Join my property webinars (links below in ‘about’ section) & Property Academies, to live life on your terms!
I bought this property for £120k renovated it for £18k and then had it revalued for £180k. Whilst the original plan was to flip it, I decided not to sell this property and instead kept it and added it to my property portfolio.
This “mini mo” is a great example of an asset I have that pays my bill. Recurring rent can replace your income if you know how.
If you want to know how you can generate wealth through profitable lettings and earn £1000+ per month on each property you own for the rest of your life! Hop on over to the website and have a look at the “Effective Lettings for Wealth” online Masterclass!
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