Survivors And Supporters April 2024
Womens Aid North East Lincs - Training | Awareness | Support
Providing Domestic Abuse Training & Support to practitioners, students, agencies, staff teams, victims & survivors
Welcome to our April 2024 Survivors and Supporters Update.
Would you believe that it's now 12 months since we started sending our Survivors and Supporters newsletter?
12 amazing months of amazing people doing amazing things!
We've been overwhelmed by all our fantastic supporters and the things you've done to make sure we are able to continue to do the things we do to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse in our area.
Individuals, organisations or businesses who support us or make donations, we want to thank you all for your fantastic?support.
Thank you
Denise xx ?
(Trigger Alert) Some of the content in this email you may find upsetting. Please do make sure you take care of yourself when reading and if you need any support on any of the issues raised, please contact us directly by email [email protected] phone 01472 575757 or message us through social media.
Sasha’s Story
I hated being at home because my dad was so cruel to me, my mum and my brothers.
As soon as I left school I fell into a relationship with a guy 10 years older than me. He seemed so different to my Dad and I thought that he really loved me.
I remember my Mum crying and begging not to go, but I told her that it was my life and she had no right to stop me.
I wished I had listened to her. ?
The first 6 months or so were really good. Although since being on the Freedom Programme I have realised that there were signs but I ignored them at the time.
We had our first child just before I was 18 and the other 2 followed quickly.
I loved being a mum but it was so hard and I was so tired all the time. He never helped and constantly screamed and shouted at the kids to shut up. He did this even when they were babies. ?
The first time the Police turned up at our house I was so frightened as I thought he was going to be arrested and I didn’t want this to happen as he would just take it out on me later.
I remember the Police telling me about the Refuge but I convinced them that I was okay but I would ring if anything changed. ?
The next time the Police came out I had bruises to my face and my lip was bleeding. They arrested him and I was given a support worker who told me about the Freedom Programme. ?
I’m back in contact with my Mum and brothers now and my Dad moved away.
I still have Social Services involved, but they are looking at closing our case soon.
It’s still hard but with support, I have been able to move on.
Sasha, Survivor.
The Rotary Club of Grimsby
We feel so privileged to have been receiving donations from The Rotary Club of Grimsby for around 15 years now and this month we were invited, once again, to attend the club's morning meeting, where we were among a group of schools, organisations and charities who received donations.
Linda Thomas, our Nunsthorpe and Willows charity shop manager, attended the meeting and was delighted to receive a cheque for £900.
Thank you so much!??
Grimsby and Cleethorpes Water Rats Female Channel Swim Relay Team
The Grimsby and Cleethorpes Water Rats female Channel swim relay team are a team of 6 female swimmers on a mission to swim across the English Channel during the week of the 21st-28th June 2024.
“With no wet suits required”
We are so excited that they have chosen Women's Aid NEL as their charity to benefit from funds they raise and have a target to raise £500.
We'd love you to support these brave ladies and you can donate and read more about their challenge via the link below or by scanning the QR code.
Could you be our next volunteer?
Are you ready to start something new?
Do you want to help make a difference locally?
Have you got 3 hours spare?
Why not come and join our team at Women's Aid NEL?
If you love being customer facing - we have a role for you
If you're more of a sorter and tidier - we have a role for you
If you enjoy meeting and greeting people - we have a role for you
We even have roles for those who love ironing as we like to make sure everything we sell in our shops is displayed beautifully. We have roles in our shops at:
Hainton Square
Grimsby Road - 120 Grimsby Road
Nunsthorpe - 57 Second Avenue
Willows - 11 Wingate Parade
And different times; morning or afternoon Mon-Sat - There's something to suit everyone.
Send us a message with your phone number and we'll be in touch.
Or Email To Volunteer: [email protected]
Support The Work We Do With Children
Support The Work We Do With Children
By joining our Club 400 Lottery, the proceeds go to the support and services we provide for the children of survivors of domestic abuse.
It's just £1 PER MONTH!
Each month one of our refuge children picks out 3 winning numbers.
Half the money raised goes towards the work we do with children and the other half is shared between the winners.
You can have as many tickets as you like, it's just £1 per ticket, paid by direct debit into our account.
To join, drop us a message or email [email protected]
Let's make it Club 500 really soon!
And Finally... We're Always Here To Discuss Your Options
We want to support you to make the best choices for your circumstances. There are several options available to you including
Calling The Police - 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies
Refuge Accommodation - see our website
Outreach Support - see our website
Social Media Support - Drop us a message on our socials
Telephone/Video Support - Call 01472 575757
Email Support - [email protected]
Domestic Abuse 'Drop-In' Sessions
Safety Planning - see our website
Freedom Programme - see our website
Survivors Programme -see our website
Legal/Solicitors 'Drop-In' Sessions
Citizens Advice Support - see our website
Moving Away - see our website
Support If You Have A Disability - see our website
Survivors Handbook - see our website
National Domestic Violence Helpline - Freephone 24 Hour 0808 2000 247 And support for male victims too - see our website.
Please reach out so we can support you. Please don't suffer alone.