Surviving and thriving post breast cancer detection
Dr.Mahua Gorthi
Talent Management / Leadership Coaching / ESG reporter /sustainability consultant / Emotional intelligence expert. I help entrepreneurs to manage their workforce in a way that is a win-win for both sides,
The life of an entrepreneur is hustling, hectic and action packed. Life of a mother of two children is hustling, hectic and action packed. What about the life of someone who is both?
Hello there. As mentioned in the beginning, I am an entrepreneur and like all other women entrepreneurs my life is also a constant juggling session. In the year 2022, month of October, life gave me another item to juggle. Breast Cancer. I visited a doctor when I felt itch and discomfort around my left breast. The Doctor asked me to go for a series of tests, scans and biopsies, after which it was diagnosed that I am suffering from Breast Cancer – Stage 3B. The report came on the day of Diwali. Needless to say, that we did not need any more fireworks that year.
This diagnosis took me and everyone around me by surprise. I had been very active physically. In fact, one day prior to my biopsy, I had worked out in my gym. I could not in my wildest imagination, have thought that I was living with breast cancer for a few months, at the least. I realised later on that women like me who have higher pain threshold, need to be extra careful and should go for a yearly breast ultrasound and other tests. This way, they can get diagnosed at an early stage.
The first hurdle was to inform the family and friends. I was surprised when I got advises from people around me not to disclose about my diagnosis to everyone. Rationale being that people may come to me with too many advises etc. I thought in my mind, that I have nothing to hide. Breast cancer can strike anyone. Today, women in India from 45 years and above have a much higher chance of getting breast cancer than what it was a few years ago. There was nothing I would have gained by keeping my diagnosis a secret. Instead, my family and friends could support me if they know exactly what I am going through. So, not only to my close relatives, I also made my diagnosis public on the social media, so that everyone who knew me, also got to know my journey.
?The flipside of my action was that because of the advanced stage of cancer, my family was scared and disturbed. For the first time, I saw my husband getting perturbed, even if so for a short while. My parents and in laws were scared too.
I took a decision that I had to fight this demon with not only medicine and therapy but also with strength. Both physical and mental. After this, I have continuously worked on my mental strength. In every discussion with other people about my disease, I have been the source of strength myself. This was necessary but not easy. On retrospect, I realise that I had spent a good amount of time visualising myself completely out of cancer.? The following 3 things helped me by giving me mental strength, which I wish to mention here as those undergoing any critical ailment treatment might benefit from these.
1.????? Just before my diagnosis, I had visited Pondicherry and had picked up a book by Sri Aurobindo and Sri Mother. It is called “Powers Within”. In this book, they talk about manifestation, inner powers. This was particularly helpful for me. It felt as if the book was made for me to read during my treatment. I would read, practice and visualise every day with the guidance of this book
2.????? I had been doing physical exercise, throughout the period of Chemo, Surgery and Radiation. There was a period of 5 days after the surgery, where in I was unable do any sort of exercise, but other than that I was either going for a walk, or doing yoga at home or static cycling. I am very sure this helped a great deal to stay mentally and physically strong. I had constantly received criticism or suggestions from everyone that I should take it easy, take rest, not strain myself. Only two people encouraged me to be the way I was. One, my Oncologist, two, my husband. And with their encouragement I could continue this ritual during my treatment period.
3.????? As an access bar professional, I had learnt a chant few years back. It says “Everything in life comes to me with Ease, joy and Glory”. I made this chant my ally. I would chant this slowly whenever I felt pain, weakness or negativity. It works like magic.
4.????? An acquaintance after learning about my cancer, reached out to me and consistently, performed distance healing for me from November 2022 till date. I am very sure that this had a big impact on my recovery and strength.
There are so many aspects of Breast Cancer treatment and recovery which I wish to document, but the above are the actionable points and hence I wish these, reach to many readers. Even if one patient can benefit from my coping techniques, I will really be very happy.
“Breast cancer awareness and successful treatment can save thousands of lives. The more we as a society talk about it the better it is. I would encourage every survivor to reach out and help other patients cope up with the help of their own experience.”