Surviving LOCKDOWN
Dr. Gill Barham
Helping women over forty thrive and shine |podcast |menopause expert |retreats ??????????♀?
What a week it has been! If you are like me, there have been moments when everything has just seemed too overwhelming or scary. It feels like a rollercoaster we have no control over and therefore will end badly. Looking out at the world and the effects of the pandemic on:
- the death toll of all nations,
- the falling global and local economy,
- the implications for those that are vulnerable or at risk, even in their own homes
it is hard to keep our eyes on any positive outcomes when all seems lost.
It feels like a rollercoaster we have no control over and therefore will end badly.
But of course … there is no choice in my opinion, but to look at how we can make the most of a poor situation.
These are some ways I am coping with LOCKDOWN
L – Laughter. The best medicine of all is laughter. Finding books, articles, YouTube shorts, TV shows, films that make me laugh or are heartwarming changes my mood and. state for a while at least. Connecting with people that I love too and making them laugh is up-lifting. Limiting exposure to the news and social media helps me to maintain a sense of balance and perspective.
O – Organisation. Getting a routine going is essential for helping me feel in control and purposeful. I have been connecting with people who are new to “working from home” and many are struggling with the discipline of a healthy work/life balance. It is especially difficult for those with children in the house who they need to occupy too all of a sudden. So, scheduling and structuring the day and the week ahead helps relieve stress and creates more certainty. Be flexible, don’t put pressure on yourself or anyone else. These are unique times. I knew the weekend was set to be chilly, so I decided to enjoy the sunshine while I could and have plans to settle in front of my Mac to attend to my articles, lesson plans, emails and reports over the weekend. I have paid little heed to the days of the week for some time, for which I am grateful.
C – Clear the clutter. Although the waste tips are closed in our area, I am looking forward to having time to clear out the cupboards that are full of heaven knows what!! But it is also a good time for a physical decluttering. As we have just had the Spring Equinox, our bodies are ready for some clean eating, more movement and a de-toxification of our systems. My 21 day Lifestyle Purify Programme is flying off the shelf this year as it is the most powerful way to reset the gut and improve our immunity. And let’s face it, that has to be the number one priority at the moment. I am feeling more energised already and happy that I am taking positive steps to prevent catching COVID-19 or at least minimising the effects if I do become exposed.
K – Kindness. I know we have witnessed some incidents that have shocked us, and I think this may escalate, but we are not privy to individuals circumstances. Ignorance and fear is a big driver for behaviours that appear selfish or cruel. So, let’s not be too quick to judge, but instead approach the world with compassion and kindness. We have also watched as the world has pulled together to support their local community and the health services. I think this will be a positive legacy from this time, don’t you? Above all, be kind to yourself.
D – Downtime. Don’t forget to rest and recharge. We are in shock, and so are your kids! The stress hormones are running along in the background even if we think they are not. They are always in control. So, exercise is important as it helps lower these pesky hormones and elevates the feel good ones. Taking time to just “be” is so important for me too. I love to do led mediations… I am not so good at the silent room, sitting cross legged scenario. There are so many great ones on YouTube by people like Jason Stephens and Joe Dispenza that I do regularly, but I also create my own. Here is a link if you would like to try.
O – Opportunity. The majority of us have been forced into doing things differently, at least in the short term. I am fortunate, I can use technology to teach Pilates online, conduct individual health and well-being consultations, run my podcasts and bring together my community to chat, support and connect with each other. I love to teach public speaking, but really feel that this is more powerful when physically present, so this is one area I have had to shelve for now. I have always had a passive income stream, as my business has always relied on me being fit enough to do it. But I realise, this is not the same for everyone. Can you, therefore, take the time to look at other opportunities for a second way to earn an income, develop new business practices or sign up for some e-learning? I have at least 5 courses I have enrolled in that I have the time to devote to now.
W – Why. This is a biggie. In my experience, the scary thing about getting off the treadmill, whether for social distancing, a holiday or sickness break, is often the realisation that you are not that fulfilled in your job or role. Having the headspace to really think about your WHY or your purpose is the hardest and most challenging thing you will face. If you choose to face it! When I had my melt-down in 2012, this is exactly the process I undertook. I looked at all aspects of my life and how each was affecting the other. It gave me clarity on what was the cause of my dis-ease and how I could begin to change things to promote healing. My clients find this enlightening and empowering. You can access this exercise in my first book, The Heart of a Woman, How to look after the heart you give to the world. There is even a free kindle unlimited version.
N – Nature. We have a dog. She is named after Dolly Parton. Apart from the fact she is “blond” and I love her, the likeness ends there. Anyway, we walk her everyday … of course. But now that we are being careful around crowds we are even more appreciative of the times we are out in the woods with her. My youngest daughter lost her job and so came home rather than stay in London. She is so grateful for the space we have here and the opportunity to sit in the spring sunshine and has embarked on a range of garden projects! Rumour has it, we will be building a pizza oven soon. I have been running live Balance and Flow restorative movement sessions on Facebook. I love doing them outside, standing barefoot on the grass. It is so powerful to ground ourselves and connect with Mother Nature.
So there it is… for now
What are you experiencing at this time?
Do you have any tips to share?
How can I help you?
Dr. Gill Barham is an international award winning author, speaker, speaker trainer, broadcast presenter, Pilates teacher, nutritional expert and advocate for self–care.
Dr Gill Barham uses her experience and expertise to run UK Public Speaking and Wellbeing workshops and International retreats. These are designed to improve confidence in speaking from the heart and empowering midlife women to make the most of their “wisdom” years.
Gill studied music as her first degree before qualifying as a Registered General Nurse (RGN) in the UK. She has been studying functional medicine for the past 8 years and her transformational work has been recognised with a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the AUGP (Academy of Universal Global Peace) A Peace Award from the UPF (Universal Peace Federation) and she is a member of the ATL (Association of Transformational Leaders) Europe and the WAoFP (Worldwide Association of Female Professionals)
Connect with her here: