Surviving information overload
SmartInsights published this picture the other day, showing what happens online during 60 seconds - quite a lot
...and it made me think - we're constantly online, checking mails, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or whatever our thing is
We're constantly being bombarded with new articles, new knowledge, new things that we 'feel we should know'
They put it right in the poster, 'Managing content shock' even though their point is different from how I read it
I read this as it's about time that we find a way of dealing with the information overload without feeling we're missing our or getting stressed about all the things we don't' do
The content and information posted online will just increase, so there's no waiting it out, hoping it will stop
Of course it never will
Get your priorities in order
It's only possible to reduce stress and the feeling of 'too much' if you accept that there are some areas that you are okay not paying attention to - but you need to select what you want to see & read and what you don't want to see & read