Surviving Covid 19 **because if you don't you are screwed**
Covid 19 is a killer.
I realize that most folk believe that covid 19 is like the flu. Many people get the mild variety but so many are desperately ill; dependent on others for all care; and are unable to breathe without assistance and die.
IT IS NOTHING LIKE FLU. I bloody HATE this. Covid 19 is the worst.
We "skinny" chicks need to get a little stronger; start on vigorous vitamin regimes C D E and Zinc in divided doses non stop no matter how you feel; and exercise (don't go nuts; cardio is fine!)
For your sake as well as those you are close to: please; PLEASE self isolate if you have been exposed or feel bad - who knows when or if this happens; therefore be prepared for the worst and expect the best. #covid19
I would advise as a therapist and human being AS WELL AS THE WORST PATIENT IN THE UNIVERSE that you treat EVERYONE as infected.
Covid loves people who lay around doing nothing. Walk early morning or evening or just roam the streets safely with your mask in place to get the lungs working and the give the heart a natural boost. ANYTHING to improve your strength, immunity, endurance and lung and SPO2 - called lung capacity. Social distance and add 2 feet all around you especially in a “crowded” place (eg a store) because others are asymptomatic or don't care.
Eat well and prosper. Drink as much water as you can whether you want to or not because it will save your life. Note that many who are extubated do not experience positive outcomes. Tummy trouble? Gatorade or salt sugar and water in a glass - tastes nasty but works in a pinch for electrolytes.
You MAY get ill as I did (and I had NO idea)
Three Sundays ago something happened. I remember seeing first responders, and being placed in an ambulance and shaking. That's it.
For me this was hell and is hell. I was told hat I had been screaming and crying in pain while at home; and did not know where I was. Update: I found out that I was unable to breathe. My oxygen levels were below 40%. A friend found me and called 911. I was unconscious. I had no idea what I was where I was or why I was. Me with covid? I am skinny and I work out. Sure I have heart disease and high cholesterol but I am on medication to control this. I do everything I have to do and more in and out of work.
I was taken to hospital with diagnosis Covid 19 and double pneumonia. How the heck did I get it? I am a germaphobe. I am not demented nor senile. I do kvetch from time to time but who doesn't?
This long story will be cut short. I am a work loving therapist who took time off to have other surgery. Had I been on my own I would be dead right now. Perhaps I absorbed the virus from a friend or delivery person. Community spread despite my self induced isolation!
I do believe I was in the ICU 7-8 days and nights. It is blurred. is this brain fog or normal for people over 39?
True - I was totally out of it. I ate nothing and all foods were per IV. Fever spiked at 108 deg and I do remember nurses covering me with ice to reduce the fever or I would be brain damaged or worse.
After ICU and a few days in the recovery zone I could not return to my home as I was contagious. I could not use the bathroom. The toilet. I TRIED and continued to try and I succeeded. Sure, I used a walker and called for help when needed. I'm meshuga not stupid. (crazy not stupid)
I was ANGRY at myself and the weakness of my body and my frailty. Those who know me understand this. I would crawl to the toilet rather than be a wet diaperWhen I tested negative I went home without anything other than attitude; my PT exercises and my OT ADLs. It’s been almost 7 days at home and I fall at least 3 times daily.
Now, today; I can go up and down with less shortness of breath. I am not using supplemental oxygen per my MD's advise. I need to build core strength and endurance.
I CAN prepare a meal. I CAN dress myself and bathe myself but it’s hard to stand up. I am not using adaptive equipment but maybe I should.
I have to listen to my body. My heart (not too good to start with) goes nuts. I cannot breathe. Palpitations and panic as well as pre-existing conditions.
I have to tell myself to do it slowly. I have washed dishes and climbed stairs and gone outside; looked at my car and walked away (too dizzy). Came back climbed up the stairs; done laundry (threw it downstairs) and taken a medium / lukewarm bath twice a day. This is my new improved schedule! Wake up - wash and bathe - whine - move on downstairs after washing and styling hair which is super difficult as I have to raise my arms over my head.
Washed and styled hair whilst leaning on a wall due to fatigue. I admit I sit on the toilet to do my hair as raising my arms above my head is a killer.
I am still short of breath and occasionally the fever will spike and I cannot climb into bed but I plop. I measure my O2 levels 3 x a day and now it is over 90% on room air. I still have issues during the night; I worry; I am scared that I will stop breathing and die. I got up at 7am - use the stairs up and down using energy conservation strategies and monitoring my SPO2. "Do I feel lucky?"
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Covid 19 experiences are different to all. I had the worst case. I could not breathe but I practiced and I got out of bed using a walker as much as staff would let me. I have huge pre-existing conditions. I live alone. I believe that it is in each and every one of us to fight whatever hits you. I do not rely on anyone. If I need help I call. When all is said and done; we have to take responsibility for ourselves. I have fallen over a dozen times including OFF the bed. I got up and it hurts. Now I know. I do it carefully and if I have to use the toilet I crawl!
In closing:
LISTEN to your body
Be positive in all you do
This too will pass and the hard work is worth it.
The facts herein are true to the best of my improving memory and I am a TERRIBLE PATIENT.
Occupational Therapist, Trailblazer, Writer
3 年Next time I will try even HARDER to make you NUTS and P G never ever ever again!