Survive A Reorganization

Survive A Reorganization

Hello Everyone,

?Hanging on to your job following a takeover or the downsizing of your company is a blessing. But the immediate aftermath can be stressful and fraught with uncertainty. You can do something to improve your morale, productivity, and ability to survive this uneasy period.

?- Don't wallow in guilt over friends who are gone. You'll need to be at your best to survive the next round of cutbacks.

?- Stay out of the grapevine. Top management will think less of your trustworthiness if they get wind of criticisms you have of the changes that you are unwilling to state openly.

?- While having concerns about your job security is natural, don't become paranoid. If you're losing sleep about your future, seek counseling, request assurances from top management, or find another job.

?- Find the opportunity in this adversity. Can you make a career gain in the midst of this instability? Can you offer a special service the company needs right now, and increase your value?

?- Don't waste your energy looking for scapegoats. The "bad guys" in this scenario are changing markets, the need to stay close to customers, or worsening financial conditions. Negativity, anger, and resentment will hurt your chances to survive.

?- Become a spokesperson for hope, renewal, and better times. When coworkers preach gloom and doom, chime in with optimism. Point to the sun behind the clouds. You'll help yourself, energize them, and gain points in the boardroom.

?- Work toward the future. This may or may not be the end of the corporate upheaval. Continue to develop your skills and increase your options. Five years from now the details of today will be insignificant.





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