A Survival Guide
The last couple of months we worked on four new books. Insight and Action 2nd ed, Wisdom Candy book 1 & 2 and Real Love 101. All available on Amazon USA and Europe.
The series A Survival Guide vol. 1, 2 and 3 is a series of short, direct and quick reads on topics that face us all. They span our daily life issues and offer both insight and practical actions. Each book contains important lessons to consider.
Be it Love, Lust, or Like, on a personal level we live with people who define us as we define ourselves. Love is a little word that we make big.
Real love is important to everyone. Each stage of our development changes our definition of love to some extent. That definition is constant evolving. It is a lifelong journey and quest for all of us, male and female, young and old.
Vol 1 - Relationships A Survival Guide (2012)
Vol 2 - Real Love - How to Avoid Having Your Ticket on "the Love Boat" Turn Into a Stateroom on the Titanic (2015)
Vol 3 - Real Love 101 Ways to Know it, Show it, and Keep it! (2020)
For those who are not aware of this we started a non-profit group called Operation New Outlook (ONO) in 2015. We treat militairy, first responders and their families who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress.
If you want to help our organization order online https://smile.amazon.com/ref=smi_ge_rl_rd_gw AmazonSmile. Choose ONO as you charity at NO cost to you. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to ONO.
www.operationnewoutlook.org www.goodfieldinstitute.com