Survival, before Stability, before Success, before …
Patrick Farnan
84 of ?? Runs with ?? Mates??An Engineer want to to improve how we construct things ??Attempting to split the eye of needle between logic and emotions?? 100 mile Runner & Ironman. Daily Practices > Achievements
1. The Hard Truth, Honesty
Survival before Stability before Success before…
You’re Either Playing Defence or Offence in Each Level.
Most People Play Life on 80% Defence, 20% Offence
If you switch it around, You create more Success You Need Play More of Your Life on Offence 80%, Not all of it…
2. The Story you tell yourself, It can Change…
(Skip this if you Hate the FLUFF)
If you’re In Survival Mode,? most play super defensively and hope to JUST get back to Stability.
Busyness is the Defence of Survival
Intentional Action is the Offence of Survival
The Big Fear - To go aaaaalll the way back to the start or the bottom. That if you did it again, you don’t know if you could handle it…If i just keep busy then…
If you’re In Stability Mode, You made it out of survival mode alive. You don't want to do it again, it was so hard. Even the idea of Growth doesn’t seem like a good one, due to hard work
Comfortability is the Defence of Stability
Seeking Opportunities is the Offence of Stability
The Big Fear - The hard work wasn’t meant to lead to more hard work, You don’t want to work hard only to get back to the same spot…
Success Really Looks Like Taking Enough Risk and Effort to Out Smart the Busy and Complacent People
Defence is always going backwards, sometimes you need to play a little defence not because you always need to but to build for a great offence.
Offence is the best defence, this creates more opportunity and results moving forwards. It’s harder and you might get hurt more but it will take you further.
3. The Question?
How much longer do you want to play defence before you’re forced to play offence?
4. The Action
Create 7 opportunities for yourself in an area of your life that you want to massively improve in!
(Hot Chip; The Best Way to do this is conversations with people, new or old)
If you found value in the above and your a guy or no one that might find it valuable, I run a Webinar Weekly here, register Using the Link below
The Next One Thu 2nd Feb 8pm Melb Time
Or If you implemented this or last weeks, let me know what happened?