From the enormity of gravitational force in the universe to the gravitation between all living things and humans, the intertwined gravitational complexity has implications far beyond the physical events.? Observing the gravitational events around a black hole, led me to make the presumption, that internal and external gravitations are an existential reality that applies to virtually every aspect of life, and that these interactions determine the outcomes of the imminent and the infinite future.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This observation of survival is based on the dominance of cross-cultural cybernetic energy.? A system in which adversaries attempt to exploit the weaknesses of the others.? ?
Gravitational draw, keeps us, humans, at various distances together, until the internal forces, collide with the external controversies, causing an implosion or an explosion. ?This force disperses the involved social groups into detached particles in a space. ?The indirectly affected people become refugees seeking a stable ground, even if it is not like the construct, they were part of before the cataclysmic event. Eventually, gravitational forces pull together the trajected and displaced people, to form another social coexistence. ?????????
In contradiction to physics, where gravity is described as the weakest of the four fundamental interactions, such as electricity, electromagnetic, and the weak interaction, I hypothesize that gravitational energy has a substantial effect on intellectual, and psychological interactions. ?Gravitational attraction is an intrinsic part of life and a precondition to survival. In a social context, gravitational energy is being excreted to cohered people around an ideology. The larger the social enclave, the more perceived power it has.?
Interactive gravitation is the most effective psychological influence on people, and it also determines the degree of multilateral coexistence. Similar to a clash between opposing gravitational forces, social polarity is being fueled with negative energy to gain concessions from the opposition and gain followers. ?Such excretions of power ignore the effects it has on minorities; thus, creating socio-economic discrimination. This frequently occurring diabolic turnaround leads to the excretion of negative energy. Across the globe, all social groups have the potential to flip to the negative energy construct and cause human damage on a large scale that was unexpected at the time when it occurred.???
The snake that caught a gecko, (pictured above), would not let go of its prey even when it turned out that it could not kill and consume it. Moreover, the snake continued to hold on to the gecko in my presence. Under normal circumstances, it would have fled to safety. The gravitational force was geared towards winning regardless of the mitigating circumstances or the consequences. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Applying the same power excretion analogy; where the superior force excretes its power to intimidate the weaker opponent to submission, it is likely to end disadvantageous to both. ?In this case, my intervention forced the snake to abandon the fight, while the gecko had considerable difficulties recovering from the injuries it suffered. The excretion of negative energy frequently leads to such results. Across the globe, all social groups have the potential to flip to negative energy, triggered by a misguiding cause of an ideology. The scale of the damage caused by such events is unpredictable at the time and has consequences for the following generations. This supports the hypothesis that the gravitational excretion of energy determines the outcomes of the imminent and infinite future.
?Best regards, Alex.