Surveys are the key to Success.
Kieron Swords
Dynamic Innovations EnergyTech solutions | Rockpecker Private | STRIKE Foundation (Thunderstorm Generator)| Virien Inc. (Green Energy) | Harvest Harmonics (Agri-Tech)|
If you want to sell more or launch a new product or service you must SURVEY to find out exactly what your prospects needs and wants. When you have done your survey you must then USE the data in your promotion.
Many companies try to promote and sell and make assumptions of what their prospects needs are. This is a hit and miss approach and often a waste of time and money.
Another key datum to know and understand is that Survey buttons are NOT the message. The survey buttons are used to attract interest and get you prospects attention to allow you to get your message across.
Brief Simple Example
A Multinational was interested in finding out how best they could get better deals from their suppliers? In order to do that they must first see what the major barrier would be facing them.
What do you feel is the biggest problem with Large Corporations?
75% Communication – calls and emails slow or no responses
15% Short leadtimes
10% Payment terms
What could be done to change that?
60% Build stronger relationships
22% Nothing, that just the way they are
18% Keep trying.
What as a supplier would you love to have the most?
70% Long term repeat business
15% Less cash flow problems
15% Reliable staff.
The buttons found in this survey are :
· Communicating with Large corporations is difficult and inefficient
· Strong relationships are really desired
· Long term repeat business is highly sought after.
Using the survey results the message could state their message so it could be accepted
“Great communication and long term stable relationships is what we are offering to our key suppliers in exchange for a rebate system based on volume.”
Call Kieron on +35387 1377434 if you need help or guidance on suveys?