[Survey] Your input counts.
Survey of Women Business Owners with Children
This survey of women entrepreneurs with young children (ages 0-11) explores the challenges they face balancing the demands of children and running their business.
It is no secret that women in the US often shoulder an outsize share of household work, including the raising of children, and working women with children can face incredible societal pressure to seamlessly manage both work and caregiving responsibilities.Even as the difficulty of balancing the demands of home and work have heightened in recent years, especially during the COVID pandemic, women entrepreneurship has increased. Women-owned firms grew 16.7% from 2012-2019 (source), and an average of 47.6% of new firms from 2020-2022 were started by women, compared to 29% pre-pandemic (source).
The survey is being conducted by United WE as part of their work leading the Commission on Childcare and Women's Entrepreneurship. Your participation is greatly appreciated!