Survey of What's Important When Planning a Funeral
Recent Industry Survey reveals what's important when planning a Funeral.
65% Following the Wishes of my loved one
56% Making it a Celebration of the person and the Life
43% Making it personal
40% Making sure everyone who wants to be there can attend
39% Keeping it simple
32% Giving them a "proper send off"
28% Keeping overall cost down
15% Following family tradition
1% Other
The statement I use when working with families is 'No Agenda but Yours" fits this as the families wishes must come 1st. Whether religious/non-religious or a mixture.
One funeral which I was asked for specifically at a Funeral Directors I had the experience of the Funeral Director saying "This is what we do"! I mentioned I had been asked for due to the personalised service I had previously done. I did what the friends/relatives wanted. I don't get any bookings through that Funeral Director!
Creating personalised meaningful Funeral Ceremonies is important. Personalisation and choice has become the norm.
When booking with a Funeral Director ask for Bespoke Funeral Ceremonies to get what you want. Many references to back this up from families.
It's Your Choice