Female Manhattan College chemical engineering ex chair and professor, unjustly terminated by an all male faculty and executives, says Dr. Theodore
I read today in dismay that the only woman professor in the Manhattan College department was terminated. My professor, Louis Theodore, now retired, believes this was a wrongful termination and sent a very detailed letter which I share here as an attachment at the end of this article.
Also please note below are his credentials. He is a legend in Chemical Engineering, with hundreds of textbooks. He was my mentor and my matchmaker 45 years ago and I owe him my career and my happiness. I trust his judgement.
Upon reading further I discovered this article written in the Manhattan College Quadrangle in April of 2018. I found further documentation at this facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/timesupmanhattan/. Below you will find an article from the local newspaper The Riverdale Press. I also contacted many of my colleagues who had Ann Marie Flynn as a teacher and they experienced shock and anger because they think so highly of her. My relationship with her is professional, as I knew her 20 years ago, when I worked in the local AIChE to help Manhattan College students connect with local industry. Other than those brief meetings, I did not contact her or know her personally. I gathered information from documentation I found on line which led me to only one conclusion: Bigotry and competitive sabotage to drive her out.
In general they say this so called "report" (which I call the Salem trials), is totally uncharacteristic of her, and someone mentioned "Bizarro World" on Facebook. So it's suspect. Perhaps a lot of lies? It's possible in today's world of dirty politics.
I am the first female accepted into Manhattan College in 1972. I transferred to Manhattan College after NYU Engineering suddenly closed.
What stood out in these documents:
Ann Marie Flynn, the professor of 30 years had to care for her husband who suffered from of cancer. After returning to her post she no longer had her position as chairman. The department seemed to be hurting in her absence and the new chairman was criticized. Students wanted her back. Then she started getting harassed and intimidated in order to psych her out, it seems.
"Upon her return from a leave of absence in Spring 2017, she was targeted in two break-ins.
The first occurred in late February, in which an unidentified person defecated in the trash can in her office. Flynn was not made aware of this incident until two weeks later.
On March 2, Flynn discovered she had been targeted again. In the aftermath of the second break-in, Flynn noticed an odd smell upon entering her office, finding a rotten banana in the top desk drawer."
A professor blatantly in a press article taking credit for Ann Marie's hard work in creating the cosmetology department seems to explain these attacks:
From the article in the Quadrangle, April 2018.
Nothing has changed since 1976 when I graduated as a chemical engineer, the first female to ever be admitted into the all male Manhattan College. Women are still being bullied out of the industry by males in competition with them. I never expected this kind of hateful bigotry in Manhattan College. What kind of men are these in that department who attack her like this and not one came to her aid? Her students love her, that is clear from the overwhelming support I see on Facebook and from my own colleagues.
I am beyond disgusted. After years of helping the department through the AIChE, I am sad to say I will no longer help or provide any contributions. This is just too much.
Students marched to support Dr. Flynn prior to termination here is the article:
Background about Louis Theodore:
My name is Louis Theodore and I served as a faculty member in the Chemical Engineering Department at Manhattan College from 1960 (when the department was founded) until 2010--a half of a century of service. I have been retired for eight and a half years.
Here is some background information. During my 50-year stay, I rose to the rank of Professor. I served (reluctantly) as Graduate Program Director for four years, during which time I was able to resurrect a struggling graduate program. In 1999, our department was ranked #2 in the nation by US News & World Report, and I know that ranking was achieved through my efforts. Incidentally, Modesty is not my middle name. Although I rarely served on college-wide committees, I did volunteer (solely at the request of legendary Dr. Frank Taylor) on the Athletics Committee because of my basketball background and successfully stymied an attempt at that time by College administrators and faculty of moving the College’s athletics to Division III status. I also co-authored books--a total of 115-- 16 involved Manhattan College faculty and approximately 75 involved colleagues that included Manhattan students and alumni. Other credits include securing the John Avella ‘64 Memorial Scholarship (for which the College is appropriating endowment funds in violation of the terms of the agreement that I arranged with the Avella family), received numerous contracts and grants for the College and our Department, provided invited testimony to a Presidential Crime Commission in Washington, D.C., appeared on television and radio several times, served as a luncheon or after-dinner speaker on 11 occasions, provided nearly 200 courses/seminars to industry, government and academia here and abroad, and (what I am most proud of) was responsible for securing jobs for hundreds of Manhattan students upon graduation.
Having said the above, I now move to the main purpose of this note. Most of you know that the Manhattan College Faculty Hearing Committee (FHC) recently recommended firing Dr. Ann Marie Flynn--“must recommend termination of service.” Many of you know I deeply respect Anne Marie and was profoundly disappointed and angered by this decision. I believe this act suggests that something has gone afoul at the College, and feel obligated to set forth my thoughts on this decision. I do this in the hope that one or more of the readers of this note will step up and use their power/influence to correct this injustice.
Notes from my files are attached (please forgive some of the venom in my writing) and I humbly ask that you take the time to read this.
The attachment explains more about this issue
The above is a PDF file prepared by Dr. Theodore.