SurroundTherapy 10 // Awakening
Haakon Rian Mancient Ueland
International Authority on Mental Health, Social Work and Healing. Spiritual Advisor. Lighting the Light in the Voiceless since 1983. International Bestselling Writer, Music Artist and Monk. Dog Whisperer & Grandpa.
I have assisted in multiple awakenings. The term "awakening" seem to imply a huge shift, something profound that aligns you with your true core. And it must be dramatic, right?
Not really. Awakenings come in many forms. From the silent shift that happens when a sentient being realises that they do have the power to change their world, to someone crying out their joy at the heavens, their spirit flying so high that they need guidance to land.
What is fascinating about "awakenings" is that it can be initiated by many different things. The touch of a hand when you expect a slap. A kind word given to a stranger. Or - a swift hit to the back, a shamanic technique made famous by Carlos Castaneda in his books about Don Juan.
Or - my favourite - a scent that suddenly goes straight to your emotions, bringing clarity and ancestral memories.
Waking up is not a linear process. And it is a process that is difficult to quantify. It is necessary to work on multiple levels at one time.
For some, a structured process is what is right. My friend, Swarup Roy, offers one such approach. He combines yogic practices such as "Greeting the Sun" with inspiration from various traditions, and also implements the teachings of John Lenhart.
For others, a more intuitive, inner-driven approach is the best path.
IMHO, this is necessary for an Awakening to happen.
- Discipline
- Joy
The "discipline" may be found in religious systems. Someone who has woken up, create a way to transfer the experience to others, thus transmuted into faith.
Discipline can also be found elsewhere. My friend Stephane Metral has set up the Unified Remote Workplace, which is the foundation of Earth House. I advise you to check it out.
The "joy" can come from moving from an end-focused goal to enjoying the process. Because - and this is a fascinating concept, which Alan Watts speaks of in one of his lectures. If you chase awakening, all you will see is its shining tail as it keeps running from you. The "wanting" itself stops you from finding it.
To me, waking up has not only been a process of butterflies and love. It has been a lot of introspection, brutal honesty, and pain. And - amazing joy.
Last winter I spent sleeping in my car with my dying dog. I was, like now, in a bad place financially. NAV (Norwegian social services) knew. A friend I used to sing with gave me a place to sleep during Christmas. Erika Warfield and some others kind souls helped me out financially.
And, this is another key. Gratitude. Gratitude is the best antidote to the memories of the traumatic transgressions you perceive others have done. Gratitude, and laughing in the face of opposition.
Waking up can be a lonely path. Animals help. The tradition of having familiars, found in the Tibetan variety of Buddhism (rooted in B?n) as well as Paganism, is rooted in reality.
Cooper Frost. May you forever roam the green fields of Valhalla, with not a leash in sight. Thank you, brother.
Trollheads Nessi (song cover image: Anne Bussel). Thank you for blessing my life, when I had nothing more to live for.
Nicky Dare made an important point in a recent post. Learn from the mistakes of others.
Now, I am an empath, so that should come natural. Yet, it has taken me this long to see it. I may believe I am perceptive, yet I can be dense as clay at times: When you let the tool become the target, you are on the wrong path.
I originally came back to LinkedIn because I was looking to find a record label. And a manager. And to market my music, because music is my language.
I have failed at all three. Utterly.
My revenue from the streaming services are ridiculous - my last payout from Repost by Soundcloud were $6.96. I don't blame that on my LinkedIn journey, but I have spent more time here than on creating music. I have no manager, and am nowhere near getting a label contract. Though I have received a lot of
I have gained new friends, I have been challenged in many ways, and I have delighted - and despaired - at many posts. I have had quarrels, been blocked, gained insights and friends.
It is time to take a break from LinkedIn. No more articles. No more posts or comments.
To summarise: I have had a lot of fun here. I was recently interviewed by Lady Anita - you can find my interview HERE, but I advice you to read all of POWERHOUSE Global Magazine by following this link.
Of course, I will leave you with a song. There are a few more hidden around in this article - one that you will have to search a little to find. This is one of my own favourites, of the 280-something tunes I have put up on SoundCloud:
Awakening is something that happens on your way. In your way. And during your way.
And I can't end this article with a song. I must end it with something else. The real reason that I need a break from LinkedIn.
I have been infected by greed. I know that I could've said to some of my contacts here
I can be your coach. Only pay me $X.000 per hour, and your problems will be fixed.
But I am a healer. I have been a healer since I was four. Or was it three?
And I can't charge for healing. I wish I could, for it would make my life a lot simpler. To me, "healing" isn't something I can turn off at will. I wish, because it costs me. More than I have been willing to acknowledge. If "absorbed pain" could be measured, I would weigh a metric ton.
But still, I can't. So, I will take a sabbatical from LinkedIn. Reflect.
And send you my blessings for a lovely 2021.
May the sun & moon caress your path. May the beauty of this world outshine the pain. And ... may natural great peace envelop you with love, even but for a few seconds every day.
One final point that struck me. Which I believe is important. There is a difference between "waking up" and "being enlightened". I have had many awakenings in my life. Am I thus enlightened? That remains to be determined.
Graphic Web Designer
3 年Much love and blessings be with you H?kon Rian "mAncient" Ueland
Historia magistra vitae - lat., Historien er v?r l?rer i livets kunst – Cicero (106-43 Nomade, aviation professional, photographer, journalist in the re-making. Critical thinker and life enthusiast!
3 年I will be here. While you awake. When you sleep. When you go. When you come back. I am right here. My best wishes for 2021 !
International Authority on Mental Health, Social Work and Healing. Spiritual Advisor. Lighting the Light in the Voiceless since 1983. International Bestselling Writer, Music Artist and Monk. Dog Whisperer & Grandpa.
3 年Erika Warfield Nicky D.????????